Interested Candidates for Council from Vernon, Coldstream, Enderby, Lumby & Spallumcheen along with residents are invited to a candidate readiness workshop for upcoming local government elections.
The workshop is FREE and will take place on Wednesday, August 17, 2022 at the Vernon Recreation Centre Dogwood Gymnasium from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
A release says the workshop features two seasoned politicians with 20 plus years of experience regarding community engagement and candidate readiness.
The workshop plans to have discussions on the following:
• What are the roles and responsibilities of local government and its elected officials?
• How do we attract and elect the best people for the job?
• What are some attributes that are vital in a local leader?
• What do I need to take into consideration before putting my name forward?
The City of Vernon, the District of Coldstream, the City of Enderby, the Village of Lumby, and the Township of Spallumcheen have all partnered to put on the workshop.