More than 300,000 young people between 12 and 17 years old (born in 2009 or earlier) can register and get vaccinated against COVID-19, as B.C. takes the next step to protect more people from the virus.
"Young people have faced immense challenges throughout this pandemic and have responded with strength and resilience," said Premier John Horgan. "If you're between 12 and 17, your turn is here. Vaccines are how we get our lives back and get back to seeing our friends and all the activities we miss. You can help us put this pandemic behind us by registering today, getting vaccinated and encouraging everyone in your life to do the same."
Young people can register themselves and book their appointment:
* online at:
* by telephone at 1 833 838-2323
* or in person at any Service BC centre
Parents, guardians and trusted adults are also able to register and book for young people, with booking invites sent to those who are older first. Most vaccine appointments for young people age 12 to 17 years will take place at the same immunization clinics used to vaccinate people in other age groups.
"We're making incredible progress in protecting people with vaccines, and we're now inviting young people and their families to join us in our efforts," said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health. "Protect your communities, families and loved ones by registering and getting your vaccine."
Household and group vaccination options are also available to make it easy for households to be immunized at the same time. Multiple young people in a household can attend one booked appointment and be vaccinated together.
Young people accompanying adults to the adult's new vaccine appointment can register on site and do not need to be registered or booked in advance. Just let clinic staff know you have arrived.
"From celebrating important milestones in a different way, to changing the way you spend time with friends and extended family, I have seen how young people have made incredible sacrifices throughout this pandemic," said Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.'s provincial health officer. "I know you are keen to get back to your lives and registering and getting immunized is a big step toward this important goal."
To register online for a vaccine appointment, everyone will need:
* their personal health number (found on their CareCard, driver's licence or BC Services Card);
* postal code;
* first and last name;
* date of birth; and
* an email address that gets checked regularly or a phone number that can receive text messages.
If young people do not have a personal health number, they can register over the phone by calling 1 833 838-2323.
"Now that we have a large supply of Pfizer vaccine, we have enough to provide every young person 12 and up with protection against COVID-19," said Dr. Penny Ballem, lead on B.C.'s immunization plan rollout. "I hope each young person registers for their vaccine today."
Everyone who wants a vaccine must register through the Get Vaccinated system. This includes young people who accompany parents or trusted adults to their parent or trusted adult's vaccine appointments in order to get vaccinated at the same time.