The École Dr. Knox Middle School Falcons collaborated to contribute $21,000 to the BC Children's Hospital this week.
Staff and students shaved their heads and cut their hair at a school assembly in a culmination of fundraising for the past month.
"I am very proud of every student and staff member who participated in this event and raised funds for a great cause," said École Dr. Knox Middle School Principal Trent Dolgopol. "We learn to be collaborators and contributors, and an event like Bald Falcons Day shows our learners the power of their combined contribution."
Teacher David Lafontaine started the Bald Falcons Day fundraiser in 2005 and leadership students continue to help their teacher raise the funds.
Grade 9 learner Halle Foley and her sister, Grade 7 learner Kenna, raised over $3,000. "It was so amazing to see how many kids could work together to raise money for a place that's important to so many kids in our province!" she said.