Why are British Columbians paying some of the highest gas prices in the country?
That is the question at the core of a broad investigation ordered by the provincial government.
"High and wildly fluctuating gas prices in B.C. are hurting people and B.C.'s economy," said Bruce Ralston, Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology. "Speculation and misinformation will not lead to solutions."
To establish the scope of the problem, the BC Utilities Commission will examine what is driving the volatile prices, which have surpassed $1.70 in parts of the province.
"The BCUC is a respected independent regulator and the appropriate body to investigate gas prices in the best interest of British Columbians. We look forward to the report and recommendations."
Over the course of the investigation the Utilities Commission will examine the market factors affecting prices and review the possibility of regulation to improve price transparency across the country.
The final report is due to be submitted to the BC Government by August 30th of this year.