Penticton's Keith MacIntyre has been elected as the new leader of BC's Libertarian Party.
He's got a few things he wants to tackle off the top. "My favourite one that we've been on since the start is to immediately stop all restrictions for the pandemic. I actually used to write pandemic simulation software and I don't believe what we're doing is right and it's actually more harmful to our citizens than anything. None of the other parties are standing up for it."
Eliminating ICBC and decriminalizing private health care are also top of mind.
Keith MacIntyre of Penticton was voted in by membership at their Annual General Meeting on May 8th.
MacIntyre is a business owner in Penticton and garnering a record number of votes for a Libertarian candidate in BC in the 2020 provincial election.
"I'm just getting all caught up on the workings of the party. We have our first executive meeting this weekend. We've had lots of conversations and I've learned a lot. I'm really just conslidating my strategy and it really is a three and a half year strategy leading up to the 2024 election."
MacIntyre replaces Donald Wilson as party leader.