BC Transit launched their 'Together We Ride' program today to encourage considerate etiquette on board buses.
Director of Safety and Emergency John Palmer said they are echoing health officials and promoting the use of face masks in all locations where physical distancing is not possible.
“We opened the front door to loading passengers and we increased the number of people we carry on board to the equivalent to about a full seated load. So, with extra ridership on board and the front door usage we really need to promote the use of face coverings in those tight areas,” said Palmer.
He said they aren't seeing as many people use face coverings on buses as they would like.
“So, this is our way of getting the message out and hopefully we're going to stir up some interest and get people excited about using face coverings on board transit,” said Palmer.
Plamer said with increased ridership comes increased risk and they want to do everything they can to mitigate that risk and keep people safe.
“There’s a vinyl panel or a driver door separating you from the operator and that is really to help protect against transmission of droplets between the two people. There are markings on the floors that tell you where to stand to make sure you're maintaining that physical distancing. We welcome you to come on board your bus, take a seat and try and maintain that physical distancing but when you can't please utilize that face covering.”
He added they also have enhanced cleaning on their entire fleet of buses.
If you have any questions or concerns visit ride.bctransit.com