If you've ever wanted to make your opinion known about public transit in the city, BC Transit is creating a forum to hear it.
Starting next week, BC Transit is hosting public open houses to discuss priorities and possible changes to local transit.
BC Transit's Communications Manager Jonathon Dyck says the open houses are about getting feedback on priorities they've identified in the past.
"We have a Transit Future Plan that was launched in 2012, so what we want to do is take this opportunity to talk to the public, and see if the prioroties that are outlined in that plan are still what we should be working on, or if they should be adjusted slightly, or what direction they would like us to take," he said.
He says there's specific parts of the Transit Future Plan they want to re-visit with riders.
"Talking to people about frequency of service, talking about where stops are located, if they would rather have service that's more frequent along certain corridors, or expanded more across the city, what type of service they would use more," he said.
"So in my opinion anyways, it's a chance to open the book to transit users and potential transit users in the Kelowna area."
There's also an online survey that will be posted between March 13 and 24, for anyone unable to get to an open house.
Dyck says content will be similar both in person and online - it all centres around ways that people think transit can be better.
"There's a number of questions, including what would get you to use the transit system more in Kelowna, what improvements would you like to see in the transit system, and about some potential route changes as well," he said.
Currently, the public transit system includes 28 bus routes, and services near 5 million passengers a year.
Tuesday, March 14 | 2:00pm-5:00pm | Queensway Transit Exchange | Downtown Kelowna |
Wednesday, March 15 | 12:00pm-3:00pm | Peachland (4th Street Place) | 4475 4th Street, Peachland |
Wednesday, March 15 | 6:00pm-8:00pm | Lake Country Municipal Hall | 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country |
Thursday, March 16 | 1:00pm-3:00pm | Parkinson Recreation Centre | 1800 Parkinson Way, Kelowna |
Thursday, March 16 | 5:00pm-8:00pm | Rutland Activity Centre | 765 Dodd Rd, Kelowna |
Wednesday, March 22 | 6:00pm-8:00pm | Ellison Community Hall | 4411 Old Vernon Road, Kelowna |
Online survey from March 13-24: http://www.bctransit.com/kelowna/feedback