Beekeepers around the province can now apply for the fifth round of Bee BC funding, enabling them to launch creative projects in their communities that support the health of bees in British Columbia.
“Bees have always been part of my life, and as I grew up my passion for them only grew stronger,” said Lana Popham, Minister of Agriculture. “Its amazing to see the unique and innovative ways communities are getting involved through Bee BC to help support the province’s bees and find solutions to keep them safe and healthy.”
The next application intake began Monday, Feb. 17, 2020, for regional and community-based organizations, beekeeping associations and beekeepers in B.C. Each project is eligible to receive up to $5,000 to fund projects enhancing bee health.
Projects can range from providing education in communities and planting bee-specific forage, to using innovation and technology to help protect and ensure bee health in B.C. The last round of projects included:
Since launching in 2018, Bee BC has contributed almost $178,000 to fund 42 projects through four rounds of funding. The last round allotted close to $55,000 for 13 projects. Bee BC is a four-year, $400,000 provincial program that makes $100,000 of these funds available to projects investing in bee health each fiscal year.
The Bee BC program provides funding to smaller-scale, community-based projects that support the health of B.C.’s bees. The fund provides support to research, explore, field test and share information about best management practices associated with bee health. The Bee BC program is administered by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture.
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