The City of Armstrong has set up an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) to plan for evacuations in the event that the Evacuation Alert for our area moves to an Evacuation Order. The City has opended a call centre where you can check on the current status of the event by calling 250-546-3023 during the hours of 7:00 am to 3:00 pm daily.
The City of Armstrong, on the advise of BC Wildfire, issued an Evacuation Alert for the residents, businesses and visitors of the City. The City is currently on Evacuation Alert as a precaution due to rapidly changing conditions at the White Rock Lake Wildfire.
The City encourages residents to prepare to leave their homes in the event that the Evacuation Alert is upgraded to an Evacuation Order, by doing the following:
The Emergency Operations Centre will be providing updates as the situation progresses and will post all information to the City of Armstrong website.