Electric Vehicle Readiness Requirements
Council gave first reading to amendments to the Zoning Bylaw regarding electric vehicle readiness requirements. The updated bylaw will require that new residential developments include a minimum of one energized electric vehicle (EV) outlet per dwelling unit. The exception is “rental-only” zoned areas which will require a minimum of 25 per cent of parking spaces to be equipped with an EV outlet.
Mill Site Area Redevelopment Plan – Concept Plans
Council received a report, including initial concepts and plans for upcoming public engagement, from the Policy & Planning Department on the mill site area redevelopment plan.
Transit Expansion Initiatives – Three-year Outlook
Council approved the execution of a one-year Memorandum of Understanding with BC Transit for the transit improvement program three-year expansion initiatives for the period 2024–2027.
Employer Commute Trip Reduction Program
Staff presented recommendations for a Kelowna employer commute trip reduction program aimed at improving traffic flow and reducing emissions.
Stormwater Funding Business Case and Implementation Plan – Phase 1
Council received an update from Utility Services on the first phase of the stormwater funding business case and implementation plan.
To watch a playback of the Council meeting and view all presentations, visit “Past Meetings” at kelowna.ca/council.