The City of Kelowna is developing its first Water Security and Responsibility Plan, a comprehensive strategy that lays a path for a more holistic approach to how the City manages water use, protection, and distribution.
Residents can share their thoughts on the draft plan through an online survey before June 30 and attend an information session on June 20.
"Water is a vital resource that connects us all – through drinking, sanitation, agriculture, recreation, industry, the natural environment and more," said Kevin Van Vliet, Utility Services Department Manager. "The Okanagan Lake and our surrounding water play an important role in our lives and we need to take measures to protect our water for future generations."
The Water Security and Responsibility Plan is expected to be completed by the end of 2024 and will guide the City's water-related policies, programs and investments. It will also align with other City plans, such as the Climate Action Plan, Infrastructure Plan, and the Official Community Plan.
Feedback received on the draft plan, vision, and guiding principles will influence the final document and ensure that the community’s values, concerns, and aspirations are understood.
To read the draft Water Security and Responsibility Plan and learn more about public engagement opportunities, please visit