A brief and informal summary of the latest decisions made by Penticton City Council.
Council approves engagement of OCP changes for new housing proposals The next step in proposed mixed-use redevelopment across from Penticton Regional Hospital is public engagement on changing the Official Community Plan designation from industrial development.
Council made the decision to proceed after a report outlined the proposal which could have up to 1,500 units, making it one of the most significant developments in Penticton. The proposal, titled Penticton Health and Innovation District by the developer, envisions a community hub for residential, retail and live-work housing for staff at Penticton Regional Hospital. Retail and office spaces are proposed as well, envisioning approximately 200 jobs on the site at full build-out.
As well, council gave the go ahead for engagement of a proposed change to the Official Community Plan that would allow for 14 townhouses at 791 and 799 Martin Street. The change in designation would be from Detached Residential to Ground Oriented Residential.
Watch for an announcement from the City confirming the dates for the public engagement process.
Pilot program for two-year grants Council has approved a pilot project that will see certain funding applications provided with two-year funding.
The City will enter into Operating Agreements with organizations that occupy and provide maintenance to municipally-owned facilities or property, and into Special Event Agreements for organizations conducting community events providing economic benefit and social vibrancy.
As well, the City’s community grants program will now have two intake periods – July and April – for groups seeking support.
OCP housing task force update The Official Community Plan Housing Task Force is entering phase two of its deliberations.
With the first phase focused on providing background to the task force members, the second phase will look at Penticton’s updated Housing Needs Assessment. This needs assessment will drive the type of housing units needed to accommodate out to 2046 and accommodate the population projections that is expected to see another 20,000 people added.
Following that review, the plan is to look at where to accommodate the need within Penticton’s existing and future growth areas and involve residents in the conversation.
Growing Community fund application process set Local community and sports groups will be able to apply for a share of more than $700,000 in funding for new amenities on City property.
The recommended process proposes considering applications in two phases, with the first opening in October and a final decision on approved projects coming next year. More details, click here
Pool repairs, extended closure approved Council has unanimously approved proceeding with repairs and a structural review of the Community Centre that will lead to an extended closure in the fall.
The regularly scheduled pool maintenance will begin in August and the current plan will see it reopen October 2.
For more information, click here
Grant sought for Ellis #2 Dam upgrade Council has approved staff applying for a grant of $3.9 million from the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund to help cover the cost of Ellis #2 dam upgrades.
The City’s estimated cost towards the project is currently $5.9 million.
Marina Way project gets permit A proposal to construct a multi-family residential development, which will include 29 townhouse units, received a development variance permit.
The proposal at 206 Marina Way, 201, 203, 225 and 247 Vancouver Avenue was significantly scaled back in density from the previous 99-unit proposal with apartment and townhouse units, to a 29-unit townhouse only development.
Support for longer hours for brewery Council gave its support for an application to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) for Abandoned Rail Brewing Company that would extend exterior patio service hours by two hours to 9 p.m. and increase the occupancy of their picnic area to 60. The LCRB has final approval.
These highlights are intended to provide a brief summary of recent Council proceedings. The summary is not inclusive of all agenda items. For a detailed account of the full agenda, including staff reports, other supporting documents and official meeting minutes, please consult the City’s website (www.penticton.ca/council) or call the City’s Communication Department at 250-490-2400.