A major reconstruction project will be getting underway later this month in the City’s downtown core.
The 31st Avenue Reconstruction project (between 29th Street and 30th Street) is scheduled to begin as early as June 20. The project will include the replacement of aging infrastructure such as water main, storm sewer, and sanitary sewer utility lines, road pavement and sidewalk.
Parking access to the 31st Avenue surface lot will remain available from 29th Street.
Access to area businesses will remain open for pedestrians. Residents are encouraged to continue supporting local businesses.
Please slow down if traveling near the area and obey all traffic control signage. The City apologizes for any inconvenience this road closure may cause and appreciates everyone’s patience while this major infrastructure project is being completed.
The 31st Avenue Reconstruction Project is part of City Council’s commitment to replacing aged infrastructure that is the foundation of the services the City provides.
For more information on this and other infrastructure projects taking place across Vernon in 2022, you can visit the City’s website at vernon.ca/capitalworks.