Here are the notable topics discussed by West Kelowna City Council on May 9, 2023.
2023 Southern Interior Local Government Association Conference
Coun. Carol Zanon and Coun. Tasha Da Silva attended the 2023 Southern Interior Local Government Association (SILGA) AGM and Conference in Vernon from April 25 to 28. Coun. Da Silva was elected to the SILGA board as a Director-at-Large, for a one-year term to represent the City of West Kelowna at a regional level.
Raymer Comprehensive Development Plan
Council received a presentation from Keith Funk of New Town Services to provide an update on the status of the Raymer Comprehensive Development Plan.
Council adopts 2022 - 2026 Strategic Priorities
Council adopted the 2022 - 2026 Strategic Priorities which sets the course for the new four-year Council Term. The strategy includes the continuation of the four key pillars and many priority projects across the City that reflect Council’s commitment to making West Kelowna truly the place to be. Public engagement for Council’s draft Strategic Priorities took place from April 17 to 28. To see the results and what we heard from the community, visit
Casa Loma Multi-Use Path and Emergency Egress update
Council received an update on the Casa Loma Path and Emergency Egress leading from the Casa Loma neighbourhood to the Lakeview neighbourhood and directed staff to amend the 2023 Annual Budget to add the project with funding coming from the Infrastructure Reserve. Council also directed staff to report back on the timing of the project at a future meeting.
Tax rate and parcel tax bylaws adopted for 2023
Each year, following adoption of the annual budget and five-year financial plan, Council must also consider subsequent, supporting financial bylaws. Council adopted the required 2023 Tax Rate Bylaw, and parcel tax bylaws for the Sterile Insect Release and RDCO Solid Waste and Recycling Programs and the Westside Transfer Station on Asquith Road.
Council receives 2022 Audited Financial Statements
Staff presented Council with a full accounting of West Kelowna’s Audited Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2022. The statements, prepared by staff and audited by an independent, nationally recognized accounting firm, confirm that the City’s financial position remains healthy, accurate and transparent to taxpayers. View the presentation through webcast archives at and view the statements online via the City’s website.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw for 3349 Glenrosa Road
Following a Public Hearing, Council gave third reading to the Zoning Bylaw Amendment to rezone 3349 Glenrosa Road from RU4 to RU2, to accommodate a two-lot subdivision.
Council gives third reading to Bill 26 streamlining of development applications in accordance with the Official Community Plan
Following further information provided by staff, Council gave third reading to the Development Applications Procedures Bylaw. The bylaw will be brought back to a future meeting for consideration of adoption along with changes to the City’s Public Notice Bylaw.
One-year review of Short-Term Accommodation Program
Council received a report that provided an overview of the progress, successes, and challenges staff have encountered over the first full year of implementing the Short-Term Accommodation (STA) Program. To read the full report, visit the City’s website.
Council supports lounge endorsement licence at Niche Winery
Council supported the proposed Lounge Endorsement Liquor Licence for indoor and outdoor lounge areas at Niche Winery located at 1895 Bartley Road.
OCP and Zoning Amendment Bylaws adopted for Smith Creek Stage 4 and Smith Creek Phase 1
Council adopted Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Amendment Bylaws for Smith Creek Stage 4 and Smith Creek Phase 1 to facilitate the expansion of the single-family residential subdivision.
Horizon Drive Pedestrian Improvements tender results
Council received a report from the Manager of Engineering about the Horizon Drive Pedestrian Improvement Project and tender results. The project has been put on hold for 2023 due to only receiving one bid and ongoing construction to install water transmission mains in West Kelowna Estates to connect to the Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant. Staff will consider completing parts of the project in-house and re-issuing a request for proposals at a later date.
Asset Management Planning Grant Program Application
Council directed staff to apply to the 2023 Asset Management Planning Grant Program to support the ongoing advancement of the City’s Asset Management Program and approved a matching City contribution, of up to $25,000, to be allocated from Future Expenditures in the 2023 to 2027 Financial Plan.