UBCM Resolution - Minors Vaping
Council directed staff to draft a resolution to submit to the Union of BC Municipalities supporting all provincial school districts in requesting tougher regulations regarding the sale of e-cigarettes and vapour products to minors.
Westbank Cemetery Fees Review
Council agreed to increase fees at the Westbank Cemetery to reflect industry averages plus a onetime 35% increase. The rates are being increased to ensure the cemetery, located at 3200 Elliott Road, is operated in a cost effective manner and align the City with comparable Okanagan cemetery fees.
The City has invested $1.4 million in capital improvements since taking over the cemetery in 2011. Formerly a dry, gravel site, the cemetery was completely landscaped and expanded to provide more burial sites and other interment options including columbaria, mausoleums, ossuary and memorial wall. Cemetery costs are recovered by user fees.
The cemetery is estimated to be full by 2040.
2019 Wildfire Mitigation Update
Council was provided an update on wildfire mitigation efforts in the community, many of which are completed or underway. The City received a $100,000 grant from the Community Resiliency Investment Program. This will fund four top priority projects as indicated in the City's Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
These projects are on City property at Eain Lamont Park, parklands along Smith Creek Road, Roseridge Park north of Rosealee Lane and Davidson Creek Park in Shannon Woods. Although local governments have limited authority to enforce private property owners to conduct fuel mitigation on their properties,
West Kelowna Fire Rescue is working to incentivize these activities with efforts including piloting a program to offset tipping fees for owners who complete mitigation works with fire department approval, providing collection bins or chipping services in neighbourhoods for residents to access and providing $500 grants to owners who undertake larger scale activities to improve their properties.
West Kelowna Fire Rescue encourages involvement at the neighbourhood level, which is the cornerstone of the FireSmart Canada Community Recognition Program. FireSmart homes and neighbourhoods allow firefighters to concentrate on fighting wildfires, protecting lives and homes. Huntsfield Green in West Kelowna Estates will be recognized as the first FireSmart Canada Community in West Kelowna at a recognition ceremony on June 14th.
Other neighbourhoods are working towards this designation with the support of the fire department.