Last meeting held in existing Council Chambers at 2760 Cameron Road
The April 23, 2024 Regular Meeting was the last to be held in existing Council Chambers at 2760 Cameron Road. Council Chambers will move to West Kelowna’s first purpose-built City Hall that provides a functional space for the public to see and hear meetings. Until the move can be completed in the new building, the location of the next Regular Council Meeting, slated for May 14, will be confirmed by May 10 at
New appointments to Regional District of Central Okanagan Board
Councillor Rick de Jong was appointed as a director on the Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) Board, replacing Councillor Stephen Johnston, whose other community service obligations are requiring more time and commitment. Mayor Milsom, who also serves as an RDCO director, thanked Councillor Johnston for nearly six years of exemplary service on the board. Councillors Jason Friesen and Tasha Da Silva were appointed first and second alternates, respectively.
Fire Hall #32 Replacement Project update provided
Council received a report regarding next steps for the Fire Hall #32 Replacement Project. For more information, please read the April 23 Report to Council at
City Hall/Library Building update presented
Council received the City Hall Project – April 2024 Update, which indicated that building occupancy has been achieved. Six organizations will begin moving into the building in phases and changes to service information will be widely communicated when ready. Until further notice, the new City Hall/Library Building remains closed. City Hall administrative services continue to be provided at the existing City Hall (2760 Cameron Road), and the public is encouraged to receive service updates by signing up at For more information, read the April 23 Report to Council at
First Quarter 2024 update provide
Staff presented statistics for the 2024 first quarter, ending March 31, with details on progress made in achieving Council’s 2022 to 2026 Strategic Priorities – 2024 Update and delivering programs, services, and infrastructure to our community. For more information, see the April 23 Regular Council Meeting Agenda.
2024 Tax Rate Bylaw introduced
Council gave first, second and third readings to the 2024 Tax Rate Bylaw, which includes a multiplier schedule to ensure equitable property tax apportionment to each class. Tax notices will be mailed to property owners in mid to late May; taxes will be due by 4:30 p.m. July 2, with a 10 per cent penalty applied July 3 to all amounts unpaid by the due date. Council will consider bylaw adoption on May 14.
Parcel tax bylaws adopted
Council adopted the required 2024 West Kelowna Transfer Station, Sterile Insect Release and RDCO Solid Waste and Recycling Program Parcel Tax Bylaws. The bylaws permit parcel tax collection from applicable City properties to enable the programs’ ongoing operations in service to our community.
Bill 44-related Zoning Bylaw amendments considered
Council gave first, second and third readings to Zoning Bylaw amendments that will incorporate required provincial regulations under Bill 44 - The Housing Statutes Residential Development Amendment Act. The bill requires local governments to update zoning bylaws to allow more small-scale multi-unit housing. Council will consider adoption after the B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure approves the amendments. For detailed information, read the April 23 Council Report.
Lower Glenrosa townhouse development to be reconsidered
Council gave first and second readings to Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendments that, if adopted, could permit a townhouse development at 2734 and 2736 Lower Glenrosa Road. The applicant proposes the zoning on Lot 2734 be amended from Rural Residential Small Parcel and on Lot 2736 be changed from Institutional Assembly to Low Density Multiple Residential and Parks and Open Space. The Official Community Plan designation would be changed on Lot 2734 from Resource Land and on Lot 2736 from Low Density Residential and Natural Areas and Public Parks to Medium Density Residential and Natural Areas and Public Parks on both properties. Staff will next schedule a public hearing.
Development Cost Charges Bylaw amendments adopted
Council adopted Development Cost Charges Bylaw amendments that implement planned increases of 3.9 per cent per British Columbia’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) for 2023. Annual increases that are linked to the CPI ensure the City can maintain adequate funding levels needed to cover growth-related capacity upgrades to infrastructure, year over year, while also reducing the potential for costs to shift to taxpayers and lowering future risks of significantly higher one-time cost increases.
Water service extensions approved in Westside Road/Raymer and Glenrosa areas
Council adopted Local Area Service Bylaw amendments to allow 1179 Westside Road to be included in the Rose Valley Water Local Area Service and 3636 McIver Road to be included in the Powers Creek Water Local Area Service.
Final round of public input scheduled for draft Parks and Recreational Trails Master Plans
The final round of public engagement for the Parks and Recreational Trails Master Plans updates will begin April 24. A Community Open House will be held May 15, 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the West Kelowna Yacht Club, 4111 Gellatly Road. Engagement will end May 24. The City is seeking community input on the draft plans’ goals and recommendations. The plans will be finalized and presented to Council for consideration of adoption this summer. Learn more at and view the April 23 presentation to Council at
Stage 2 Watering Regulations being implemented
Stage 2 Watering Regulations, which allow even-addressed properties to irrigate on Saturdays and Tuesdays, and odd-addressed properties to irrigate on Sundays and Wednesdays, take effect April 24. The watering regulations are needed due to ongoing drought and low snowpack, which are preventing reservoirs from filling. Stage 2 regulations may prevent stricter measures this summer. Learn more at
Council supports FireSmart and Wildfire Mitigation resolution
Council endorsed submitting a resolution, seeking more provincial funding for wildfire prevention, to the Southern Interior Local Government Association conference in Kamloops, April 30 to May 3. The resolution also seeks to change the grant program from a competition-based application process to an allocation-based formula for at least five years to reduce red tape, and allow for more effective prevention-based planning and response.