Here are the notable topics discussed by West Kelowna City Council on June 13, 2023.
Emergency preparedness update
Staff provided Council with an update on the City’s ongoing emergency preparedness actions to ensure sustained response and recovery in the event of floods, wildfires, extreme heat, severe weather and other incidents. An update was also given on wildfire mitigation work on municipal lands and the 2023 FireSmart Program. View the presentation at and learn more about the FireSmart Program at
Council establishes new Accessibility and Inclusion Committee
Council approved the terms of reference for West Kelowna’s first Accessibility and Inclusion Committee and directed staff to publicly advertise the member recruitment process. Council will consider committee appointments this summer.
Local Area Service established for Green Bay Dredging Project
Council supported an owner-initiated Local Area Service (LAS) process that would facilitate a future project to dredge the mouth of Green Bay in Okanagan Lake. Phase 1 would include the engineering and environmental work required to obtain the permits needed to complete the project. Phase 2 would involve the dredging. Council also gave three readings to the Green Bay Dredging Project – Phase 1 Establishment Bylaw. If adopted, it would initiate the LAS that is required to enable the project.
Update given on Casa Loma multi-use path/emergency egress project
Staff provided Council with the project timelines for construction of a multi-use path that will create recreational connectivity and a secondary emergency egress from Casa Loma to Lakeview Heights. The 3.5-meter-wide path will start at Casa Palmero Drive and follow an existing hiking trail to Lakeview Road. Construction is expected to begin in early August and be completed in late October.
Site selected for Fire Hall #32 replacement
The City of West Kelowna has identified a site within a proposed portion of the Anders Park area for the replacement Fire Hall #32 in the Lakeview Heights neighbourhood. At this stage the City has only selected the site. Staff will now take next steps that would include seeking Council’s further direction to prepare a business case. It would define the project’s scope, budget, concept design, and stakeholder and public consultation for Council’s consideration in the coming months.
Council approves next steps in forming an Economic Development Corporation and Board
Council authorized the creation of a municipally owned West Kelowna Economic Development Corporation. The B.C. Inspector of Municipalities must now approve the establishment of the corporation after which time staff would return to Council to seek their direction on next steps including hiring a chief executive officer, establishing a board of directors and creating a strategy and action plan for attracting and supporting business and investments in West Kelowna.
2023-24 BC Transit Annual Operating Agreement approved
Council authorized the signing of the annual operating agreement between the City of West Kelowna and BC Transit for 2023-2024. Under the new agreement, existing transit services will be maintained and no budget increases are required.
Growing Communities Reserve established
Council adopted the Growing Communities Reserve Establishment Bylaw. The City received $10,212,000 through the Province’s B.C. Growing Communities Fund. The grant has been placed in a high-interest investment account giving the City time to strategize on how best to use the funds to build future infrastructure and amenities to support rapid growth.
Council deliberates Official Community Plan Bylaw
Council deferred first reading of the new Official Community Plan (OCP) Bylaw after directing staff to provide further analysis on the Gellatly Village Centre concept in comparison to neighbourhood centres proposed for Goats Peak, Lakeview, Rose Valley and Smith Creek. Council also directed staff to make other minor amendments to the OCP Bylaw, which would be presented for consideration of first reading and then scheduling of a public hearing this summer. View the OCP deliberations under Webcast Archives at
Updated construction requirements considered
Council gave first, second, and third readings to proposed amendments to the Building Regulation Bylaw and other related bylaws to update construction requirements, including site tidiness and project completion timelines and align them more closely with other jurisdictions. Other respective bylaws to be concurrently updated, to better facilitate construction and tidiness on private property are the Good Neighbour, Fees and Charges, Ticket Information Utilization and Bylaw Enforcement Notice Bylaws.
Complete Communities Program application approved
Council directed staff to apply to the provincial Complete Communities Program seeking $150,000 to support the creation of an Infill Housing Strategy.
Non-farm use application supported for Hudson Road and Shannon Lake Elementary Schools
Council supported School District 23’s application to the Agricultural Land Reserve seeking to permit non-farm uses to allow school district-related activities at Hudson Road Elementary at 1221 Hudson Road and Shannon Lake Elementary at 3044 Sandstone Drive for as long as the properties are owned and operated by Central Okanagan Public Schools. Staff will forward the exclusion application to the Agricultural Land Commission for consideration.
Development application process streamlined – Bill 26
Council adopted the Development Applications Procedures Amendment and Public Notice Bylaws to align the City’s development application process and related notification requirements with streamlining initiatives under provincial Bill 26.
Mark your calendar for these summer community events
Recreation and Culture staff and the Westside Celebration Society gave a presentation inviting Council and our community and visitors to enjoy upcoming community summer events, plus two new attractions – a roller disco and cirque – at the City’s Royal LePage Place arena. The free Music in the Park concert series takes place Fridays, June 23 and 30 and July 14 to August 25 starting at 6:45 p.m. at Annette Beaudreau Amphitheatre at 3737 Old Okanagan Highway. Find full concert series information at Canada Day celebrations will take place Saturday, July 1 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Westside Daze festivities run from Friday, July 7 through Sunday, July 9. For Westside Daze and Canada Day details, visit Residents and visitors are also encouraged to go online at to check out many other great events taking place this summer at Royal LePage Place and throughout our community.
Fire Rescue Establishment and Operations Amendment Bylaw adopted
Council adopted the Fire Rescue Establishment and Operations Amendment Bylaw. The updates address the evolving types of buildings located within our community and the storage of flammable materials in shipping containers to keep our community and emergency first responders safe.
Committee of the Whole
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Pavement Management Plan presentation given
Staff and engineering consultants who have been updating the City of West Kelowna’s Pavement Management Plan gave a presentation outlining the current state and maintenance needs of streets throughout the municipality. View the presentation at
Greater Westside Board of Trade and Community Associations give presentations
Representatives from the Greater Westside Board of Trade and the Casa Loma, Gellatly Bay/Goats Peak and Lakeview Heights Community Associations, Green Bay Property Owners Association and Shannon Lake Neighbourhood Association also gave presentations which can be viewed online at