Take this opportunity to shape the City of West Kelowna’s 2024 Budget and Council’s Strategic Priorities.
Residents of West Kelowna have until Feb. 9, 2024 to provide feedback on the Draft Five-Year Financial Plan and Council’s Strategic Priorities. Get involved, learn more about the proposed budget and provide feedback about what is most important in your neighbourhood and across the City.
This year's draft budget is forecasting at a 6.85 per cent tax rate increase. Input is needed to guide the investments and operations in West Kelowna as the budget process proceeds.
Join final in-person Open House:
Head over to OurWK.ca to peruse the Budget and Council’s Strategic Priorities display boards, ask a question and complete an online feedback form.
A summary of the public engagement will be compiled and presented to Council for consideration prior to adoption this spring.
Find out more online at OurWK.ca.