Motorists can soon look forward to a smoother drive on Clement Avenue, with the road next in line for improvements. A section of Clement Avenue will be repaved as part of the City’s annual pavement management program, which in 2019 will see approximately $3.5 million invested toward road improvements.
Work will start on September 3 between Gordon Drive and Spall Road, and it is expected to be complete within two weeks, weather permitting.
Where work is in progress, weekday lane closures and detours will be in effect, and motorists are advised to use alternate routes. Residents can also help reduce traffic congestion by choosing other transportation options such as biking, walking, carpooling and transit.
While road work can be inconvenient for travelers, regular maintenance helps extend the life of roads and manage long-term costs. Crews aim to schedule and coordinate road work to minimize negative impacts on neighbouring residents, commuters and visitors. Most work happens during the spring and summer seasons, as the warm, dry weather also presents the best conditions for paving.
With the annual pavement management program expected to be complete in October, remaining roads to be repaved include Ellis Street, between Roanoke and Broadway streets, and Chamberlain Road. In total, some 40 lane kilometres on 16 different roads will be repaved in 2019. To view current road conditions and sign up for traffic e-updates, visit