After making the 2022 Annual Report available for public inspection and providing opportunity at the Council meeting for public input, Council approved the 2022 Annual Report as presented.
Council considered a report outlining options for the painting of the Creekside Park Lacrosse Box and resolved to have Tomko Industries paint the new lines on the asphalt. The works are expected to begin the end of July to early August.
Following a Request for Tender process, Council awarded the contract to complete the rehabilitation of Coldstream Creek Road, from McClounie Road to west of Ormsby Drive, to Copcan Civil LP. This project is expected to start August 2023 and be completed by the end of the year.
Council received a final summary of the Coldstream Community Hall and Child Care Centre project. This project was completed on time and within approved budgets.
Council received an informational report from the Chief Administrative Officer, which included the RCMP’s 2023-2028 Strategic Plan and 2023 Consultation letter for their acknowledgement.
In alignment with the new Accessible British Columbia Act and associated regulation (BC Reg 105/2022), Council endorsed the District’s participation in the Inter-municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee. This Committee is a joint initiative of the Regional District North Okanagan (RDNO) and its member municipalities.
The purpose of the Committee is to help guide RDNO and member municipalities in the creation of an Accessibility Plan to identify, remove, and prevent barriers to individuals in or interacting with the RDNO and member municipalities.
The Committee is comprised of volunteer representatives, which are currently being sought through the RDNO.