The Regional Waste Reduction Office and the Okanagan Basin Water Board will be selling compost bins and rain barrels this Earth Day, April 22nd.
These will provide people with environmentally friendly ways to get clean water and compost for their gardeners.
“By making backyard compost, it’s a big soil booster for your plants, vegetables, and shrubs,” says Waste Reduction Facilitator Rae Stewart.
And like the composters, the rain barrels are safer for the environment.
“There’s less contaminants going into the storm drains, and ultimately into local streams and lakes,” says Stewart. “It’s fresh, untreated water for your plants.”
In years past residents would have to order in advance. This is a one day, buy and take away sale.
The sale takes place at the KLO campus of Okanagan College from 9 AM to 3 PM.
The composters are priced at $35 while the rain barrels will sell for $80. Both items are expected to sell out fast.