City Council will receive the City’s 2022 Action Plan for information at the Jan. 10 City Council meeting.
As part of the City’s commitment to strategic planning and clear direction, Action Plan 2022 outlines 135 projects and significant actions across all City divisions to deliver results aligned to the 2019-2022 Council Priorities.
“Our annual Action Plan and reporting on Council and corporate priorities demonstrate our commitment to transparency to the community and holds us accountable to the results Council has set out for their term,” said Doug Gilchrist, Kelowna City Manager. “Faced with delivering services during COVID-19 and through a severe wildfire season in the summer, the work included in Action Plan 2022 will continue to move us forward, meeting emerging challenges and maintaining course on work that will advance our long-term vision for a City of the Future.”
In 2022, projects that support Council’s priorities of community safety and social issues, vibrant neighbourhoods and transportation receive some emphasis, while also ensuring a balance of effort to each of the six Council priorities to include environmental protection and economic resiliency. Projects include:
Action Plan 2022 was developed collaboratively by the City’s 10 divisions and captures operational and infrastructure improvement initiatives to provide a clear path forward. The organization as a whole is responsible for acting on and delivering these items. Action Plan 2022 is not an exhaustive list of all the essential work performed by the organization to serve residents.
“The action plan is not meant to encompass everything we do as an organization,” said Gilchrist. “The base-business work that staff conduct each and every day in the various City departments ensures we deliver essential services and provide the amenities and programs that make Kelowna a great place to live, work and invest.”
Starting in 2020, City Council has received a report every spring measuring our progress on advancing the Council priorities 2019-2022 results. Follow our progress on the City’s Open Data page.
For more information and to read the Action Plan 2021, visit the City of Kelowna website.