Kelowna council is getting the chance to modify the consequences of a recent decision.
At a public meeting on September 19, council voted to turn down a proposed development for the Green Square project on Mission Springs Road.
On Monday, council voted to allow developer Troika to bring an updated plan back to council, before the required six month window has elapsed.
Mayor Colin Basran says it's clear council isn't against the entire plan.
"We all know that this is not a piece of property that perhaps is on the outskirts of town, that we aren't quite sure is suitable for development," he said.
"I think we all agree on council that there will be development on this property, but we need to find an application that meets council's support. So it's for that reason that I think that it's reasonable to at least allow them to bring it back without waiting the six month time period."
Councillor Gail Given says the decision also better reflects her feelings.
"It was my intention that they could go back, work with staff, and get it fixed. So this actually is reflective of what I would have intended to happen anyhow, with the couple of issues that particularly council identified as needing to be rectified," he said.
"I have no problem supporting this."
Thanks to a stacked agenda, the meeting back on the 19th went on past 3 am, as council sided with many neighbours on issues like building height and parking.
A new proposal would go back to a new public hearing.
Councillor Brad Sieben joined Basran in acknowledging that a more appropriate move for council would have been to defer the plans back to the developer for changes.
"Even on a 3 am public hearing, things can happen very quickly here in council, and when something's put on the floor, it's either a vote yes or no, and you somewhat deal with the consequences," he said.
"This is part of our checks and balances, and I definitely support this direction."
Developer Troika has yet to confirm when it'll re-submit its new design.