Press release:
Summer is almost here and West Kelowna Parks and Public Works crews will close Boucherie Road, between Hayman and Stuart Roads, Tuesday, June 1, from 5:45 p.m. to 10 p.m. to get the entrance to the Westside Wine Trail ready for its busiest season.
Crews will install hanging flower baskets, perform electrical maintenance on street lights, clean catch basins, test and repair irrigation lines, mow, weed and power wash.
The work will require a full closure of the road, bike lanes and sidewalks to motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.
Crews will maintain access for emergency vehicles, residents living within the immediate area, buses and transit users.
Motorists can use Highway 97 and Hudson Road or Hayman and Stuart as a detour route.
For the safety of crews and out of respect for neighbours, please obey signs and follow posted speed limits in and around work zones and along detour routes