On March 31, the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) approved the City’s application to exclude a 16.2 ha. parcel at 4690 Highway 97 from the Agriculture Land Reserve for a future transit facility.
“We appreciate the ALC decision in this case, which represents a significant milestone for the project, and success of the City’s advocacy efforts,” said Mayor Colin Basran. “The City respects the ALC’s role in preserving agriculture land that is critical to the economy and culture of Kelowna and we remain committed to agricultural protection and advancement opportunities beyond those stated in this application.”
The existing transit facility on Hardy Road is past its capacity and a new transit yard location is necessary to meet community needs and the forecasted growth in regional transit services.
“Given its proximity to a FortisBC substation, this site meets a key goal with the ability to electrify the transit fleet,” said Mayor Basran. “Public transit provides a basic mobility service for youth, students, commuters, seniors and to everyone without access to a car, along with helping to reduce road congestion and travel times, air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy and oil consumption – all of which benefit everyone in our community.”
This parcel was acquired by the City in 2017 with the intention to accommodate a future transit facility, which is to be developed in conjunction with BC Transit, as required to support current and future transportation needs.
Additional benefits associated with the acquisition include protecting future road networks, such as the Hollywood Road extension and environmental features, such as Carney Pond. BC Transit and the City have been actively pursuing sites since 2013, with many options explored including splitting use onto multiple sites or locations in adjacent municipalities.
This major City Council priority achievement is an essential component in the long-term development of Kelowna’s growth model and sustainable, equitable transportation opportunities.
Next steps for this project include subdivision and rezoning of the parcel, as well as application to the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program application to secure funding.