Kelowna city staff handle around 130 infrastructure projects every year.
On Monday November 9th, 2020, city council looked at a report outlining completed, in-progress and future city infrastructure projects.
City Manager Doug Gilchrist spoke about plans for the $55 million Mill Creek flood protection plan.
“There's multiple support funding opportunities that we're looking for right now to try and match the money that comes forward from the federal government and I believe it's an 8 year funding program. So, we have some of the more immediate projects well lined up and some of them funded and others are looking for our portion of funding. So, there's different mechanisms to establish our portion and that's what staff will be reporting back in early of the New Year on.”
Included in the report is the completion of emergency utility repairs to the Glenwood Avenue water main.
Councillor Brad Sieben…
“This report really is useful. I think it's useful for the public as well and it is a bit of a show and tell. This is where your value for tax dollars comes. The one that really resonated with me was the picture of the corroded pipes. Knowing how much work we have done on water throughout the city that this likely is something that is seen throughout and probably what we're seeing a little bit of in South East Kelowna right now that wondering why there's leaks? Well that's what happens with pipes like that.”
Councillor Gail Given says the report shows taxpayer money is doing great things around the city.
“This report was particularly nice just to see, first off the volume of projects that are completed and what they actually look like upon completion because often we don't take the time to go back and say wow... this is what it actually looks like.”
To view the report go to