On Saturday, October 15th, eligible voters in Coldstream elected six (6) Councillors at the 2022 General Local
Office of Mayor
The one (1) office of Mayor, was won by acclamation:
1. Hoyte, Ruth
Office of Councillor
For the office of Councillor, the Chief Election Officer declares elected the following six candidates, who
received the highest number of valid votes for the office:
1. Garlick, Jim
2. Runyan, Simone
3. Hoffman, Stephanie
4. Levy, Jeremy
5. Dirk, Doug
6. Cochrane, Pat
Assent Vote
The Assent Vote was corrected the NO vote was underreported by 1 vote and corrected from 879 to 880.
Result: Assent Granted
Results are posted on the District of Coldstream website: www.coldstream.ca.
Coldstream School Trustee
The official School Trustee Election results may be obtained at https://sd22.bc.ca/.