Capture Peachland Winners Announced
Mayor Patrick Van Minsel announced the winners of the Capture Peachland Photo Contest underway earlier this year. Over 300 photos were submitted for Council’s consideration and the Mayor reported Council had a difficult time choosing the winning photos from so many beautiful submissions. The first-place winning photograph was submitted by Nicole Hemeon, who received a $250 gift certificate to the Peachland business of her choice. The second-place photo was submitted by Lynda Brown who received a $100 gift certificate, and the third-place photo was submitted by Kerry Rawlinson who received a $50 gift certificate. The winning photos will be displayed on the District’s website, Mayor Van Minsel thanked all participants in the 2024 contest and advised that submitted photos will be featured in the municipal website redesign and District publications for years to come.
Princeton Avenue Rezoning
Council gave first two readings to Zoning and OCP amendment bylaws for 4758 Princeton Avenue. The applicant is proposing to rezone the property to Multi-Unit Residential—Low Density and Cluster (RM3) and consolidate the property with the adjacent Lower Turner Park site to allow for an expansion of the townhouse proposal associated with a previous rezoning. The application will be scheduled for a public hearing.
Peachland Seniors Support Society Phase II Housing Project
Council adopted Official Community Plan and Zoning amendment bylaws for Phase II of an affordable housing project which will provide 73 units in a new building at 4555 6th Street on land donated by the District of Peachland. The first phase, the Residences at 4445 6th Street, opened in 2019 and was the result of a partnership between Peachland and the provincial and federal governments. It provides 74 apartments for seniors and people with disabilities at an affordable rent.
Council also approved the Development Permit with variances to allow the construction of the new apartment building on the block bounded by 6th and 5th Streets to the north and south, and Waldo Way and the Highway 97 embankment to the east and west. The new building completes the two-phase affordable seniors housing development operated by the Peachland Seniors’ Support Society (PSSS). Council approved entering into a 60-year Lease and Housing Agreement with BC Housing and PSSS for the construction and long-term operation of the Phase II building. Adoption of the associated bylaw will be considered by Council at a Special Council Meeting Thursday, August 29.
Citizens Survey
Council provided input on the questions and distribution plan for the Draft 2024 Citizens Survey, which builds on surveys conducted in 2016 and 2019 providing continuity and thematic results. The intent of the survey is to poll residents on their satisfaction with a variety of District services and initiatives, to gather feedback from Peachland residents about the District’s programs and services, and to help understand their priorities for the allocation of District resources and budgets. The survey will seek input regarding Council’s strategic priorities and key issues for Peachland. It will be launched in mid-September with all residents provided an opportunity to complete a survey.
Centennial Walkway Extension
Council agreed to redirect $100,000 of the Growing Communities Fund from the initial project it was slated for, the interim extension of the Beach Avenue Centennial Walkway, to the construction of the Trail of the Okanagan Project. At the District’s June 12 public open house, an informal poll indicated that 82% of respondents (50 people) voted to leave the proposed extension section the way it is. The Trail of the Okanagan Project, involving the construction of a multi-use connection between Peachland and West Kelowna, has recently gone through a public request-for-proposals process and the bids are higher than expected. The District is currently working with the highest-ranked proponent, our Civil consultant McElhanney and with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to find cost savings but it is anticipated that the project will require additional funds.
Next Council Meeting
The next meeting of Peachland Council is a Special Meeting on Thursday, August 29, 2024, beginning at 9 am. The next Regular Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 2024, beginning at 6 pm. Council meetings are open to the public and webcast live. Find the full schedule by visiting Find webcasts of past meetings at Keep informed; subscribe to get news and event information emailed directly to you at