Here are the notable topics discussed by District of Summerland Council on April 3, 2023.
Committee of the Whole – Further to Council’s strategic priority ‘To Protect and Enhance Core Infrastructure’ staff presented a new 20-year Road and Water Plan, accompanied by a public-facing tool to navigate the various projects. The material was accepted for information and will come back to Council for decision on April 24.
Delegation – Rotary Club of Summerland – Representatives from Rotary presented Council with a partnership opportunity towards the rebuilding of the Kinsman Pier. The group thanked Council for their leadership in identifying this project in their strategic priorities, and for completing the Waterfront Concept Plan which fostered community engagement. A partnership concept was put forward where Rotary would help facilitate community and business engagement in support for the project. Options for the design of a pier will come to Council by end of June.
Delegation – BC Transit – Representatives from BC Transit presented Council with their Transit Future Action Plan, which was informed by surveys conducted by a cross-section of Summerland residents, including those who currently do not use transit. Conceptual short and long-term service priorities have been identified, which recommend a new dedicated local transit service, as well as further service expansion to the route 30 line which would include Sunday operation.
Free Fare Pilot for Route 30 – Further to Council’s strategic priority ‘To Build an Adaptable and Affordable Community’, staff brought forward options that would see free transit to Summerland residents on route 30. Council directed that staff move forward with the quickest option, with basic proof of residency as a simple way to access the service. Council also changed the term of the pilot to begin on Earth Day this year and to end Earth Day next year so a full year of data can be collected.
Late/Additional Grant in Aid Requests – Three “late” grant-in-aid requests came
forward for Council consideration, pertaining to sport teams that only recently
became aware they qualify for provincial and national championships. Council
decided to support a contribution for all three requests. One of the requests was to
offset some attendance costs of Summerland’s own Fire Chief to attend the
Canadian Fire Fighters Curling Association championships in PEI, as part of the team
BC delegation (and Council was informed that the team subsequently won gold).
2023 BC Growing Communities Fund – Summerland has been allocated $4.53 million
from the province through the Growing Communities Fund. A key objective of the
funding is to increase local housing supply with investments in community
infrastructure and amenities. Council heard that while the program has provided
significant flexibility on how this might be accomplished, the funds are primarily
geared towards capital projects and these funds should not be used on ongoing
operational expenses. Council discussed their current Financial Plan and their
published Strategic Priorities, ultimately providing direction to staff to plan to use
the funds to support a new sewer line for Deer Ridge, and to support a basic
reconstruction of the Kiwanis pier.
Bylaws for Adoption
A zoning bylaw amendment was adopted, facilitating an infill development for a
duplex on 12210 Lakeshore Drive South. The proposal aligns with the growth
management objectives of the Official Community Plan and Council’s overarching
strategic priority ‘To Build and Adaptable and Affordable Community’.
Special Update: In his report to Council, the CAO noted that the District Finance
Team has received an award through the ‘The Canadian Award for Financial
Reporting Program’ in the production of our annual financial report. The Program
was established to encourage municipal governments throughout Canada to publish
high-quality financial reports and to provide peer recognition and technical guidance
for officials preparing these reports.