Here are the highlights from the latest meeting of council for the District of Summerland.
Delegation – United Way British Columbia – A representative from the United Way provided a presentation to Council outlining their mandate and current activities in the province and framing key social issues facing communities. A brief snapshot of current social impact investments being made was also provided.
Delegation – Disc Golf – An individual representing the disc golf community presented the need and opportunity regarding this rapidly growing sport. It was submitted that this sport could be easily located at the existing Summerland Rodeo Grounds. Donors have come forward which would cover nearly all the cost of the creation of the 18-hole course. Maintenance would be undertaken by volunteers and would be minimal, as the course would use the rustic natural landscape.
Water Source Assessment Update (WSA) – Natural and human influences can affect water quality. The WSA updates the Districts 2002 assessment and identifies source water hazards in the watershed and makes recommendations to address them through a Water Source Protection Plan (WSP). Council adopted the WSA and directed staff to continue with the work to create the WSP, which supports Council’s published strategic priority action of protecting the watershed.
Electrical Rates and Regulations Amendment Bylaw – Updating this bylaw is a key initiative in Council’s 2022-2026 strategic priorities. The existing bylaw required the purchase of an extra electrical meter for any secondary suite or carriage house, at an average expense of more than $2000 to homeowners. Council authorized amendments which allow residents to choose whether a second meter is needed, thereby reducing red tape and costs for residents engaged in development.
Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Grant – Staff provided Council with confirmation that the proposed new recreation centre can be built to a net-zero standard. Using this approach, the District can apply for support up to $25M. While
there are additional expenses for net-zero, the grant could cover above and beyond
those amounts. As well, the long-term operational expense of the building is greatly
reduced through more efficient use of energy. The District previously applied to the
UBCM Strategic Priorities Fund for $6M dollar contribution. When the results of that
program are known, staff will return to Council for direction on referendum timing.
Delegation of Minor Development Variance Permits - Early in Council’s mandate,
direction was provided to staff to explore greater delegation of minor variances to
reduce the regulatory burden and expense on residents. Staff presented a set of
parameters to guide staff in the efficient administration of minor variances into the
future, which will also put us into a small group of leading municipalities who have
seized the opportunity created by the province to delegate these minor variances.
Council provided first three readings to the associated bylaws, which (if adopted) will
directly benefit citizens who’s plans who see development variances for their
project, including those that support housing needs in our community.
Bylaws for Adoption
The Financial Plan (2023-27) Bylaw No. 2023-001 was adopted by Council, providing
authority to implement a 3.76% taxation revenue increase. The financial plan
represents the culmination of months of work by staff and Council, and directs the
spending of public money in alignment with Council’s priorities. A brief comparison
of communities within the region reveals that Summerland has perhaps the lowest
property tax increase of any municipality in the Okanagan valley in 2023.