For the second time in three years, the District of Summerland has received a Climate & Energy Action Award from the Community Energy Association. The latest award, presented last night at the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) annual convention, is in recognition of the Summerland Solar and Storage Facility.
In 2021, the District was recognized for its corporate initiatives, including rooftop solar on municipal buildings, retrofitting of municipal buildings, introduction of e-vehicles to the municipal fleet, installation of LED streetlights, and more.
This year, the Solar and Storage Facility was selected among 25 nominations from across the province, each reviewed by a panel of judges with diverse expertise in community energy and climate action.
In assessing the Solar and Storage Facility, the judging committee noted that Summerland has demonstrated how a small community can move quickly from planning to implementation and position itself to attract significant investment in renewable energy. The judges were also impressed with the integration of storage capacity and the showcasing of leading best practices in renewable energy planning.
“Our leadership in local climate action has been recognized once again,” said Mayor Doug Holmes. “Two years ago, we were recognized for the action we’re taking operationally. Today we’re being recognized for the action we’re taking for the whole community.”
The Summerland Solar and Storage Facility is a 412kW solar photovoltaic system with a 1MW battery energy storage system being built by local contractors.
The facility aims to strengthen the municipally-owned electrical utility, enhance the local economy, create jobs, and increase energy security and independence.
The Community Energy Association is a member-based, non-profit organization working at the community level to reduce emissions, conserve energy and transition to a low carbon economy. It has been presenting the Climate & Energy Action Awards since 1998 as a way to celebrate the many ways local governments across British Columbia bring innovative climate and energy solutions to the table.