Kelowna coucnil heard an update on the shared e-scooter programs wins and challenges.
Strategic Transportation Planning Manager Mariah VanZerr says the program is replacing other transportation options. E-scooter providers sent out a survey to users. "In regards to trip purpose the survey found the majority of first or second time rides were for fun or leisure, reflecting what many have observed. However, for riders that reported riding three or more times fun and leisure trips drop to 42% and transportation related trips rose to 58%."
Use for transportation purposes included getting to work, attending social activities, shopping, and running errands.
Kelowna Mayor Colin Basran's biggest concerns are parking and improper use when it comes to the shared e-scooter program. "I want to say for me helmets are a red herring. [Interior Health Authority] supports this program, we have a letter of support from them. They are the health experts, but I appreciate and it's your right if you want to rail against helmet use for this, that's totally cool."
Basran says he's seen parking improve over the past few weeks, but there's still work to do.
He doesn't want to kill the program, but does want to see it improve.
Basran asked council to support the 19 recommendations and for staff to come back with other options for restricting use.
Councillor Brad Seiben stated, "I think where the challenge lies is that, from my perspective, the recommendations are inadequate to where it needs to go ultimately. I think they're steps in the right direction, and so I think implementing them is good but they may be modified, changed, bolstered in two weeks after that."
Council voted in favour of the recommendations and city staff will provide another update in the near future.