Several campers jumped into Okanagan Lake to try and save an Edmonton man after he failed to resurface Wednesday afternoon.
It happened near the Bear Creek campground on Westside Road just before 6:00pm.
“Investigators have learned that the victim had been swimming, with a family member, when he suddenly went under the water’s surface,” said Corporal Jesse O’Donaghey in a news release “The man’s family member began screaming for help when the he failed to immediately resurface.”
A witness says the man had been kayaking without a life jacket prior to the incident.
Bystanders and then later emergency crews performed life saving measures on the 25-year-old man, but he passed away at the scene.
“The West Kelowna RCMP would like to recognize all those who quickly jumped into action, without hesitation,” says Cpl. Jesse O’Donaghey, “to pull the man from the waters of Okanagan Lake and perform CPR.”
West Kelowna RCMP is supporting the BC Coroners Service in their investigation.