UPDATE 10:30 am (Sept. 5, 2023)
The Central Okanagan Emergency Operations Centre has rescinded all remaining Evacuation Alerts for properties in Lake Country and the City of Kelowna.
Residents are reminded that Evacuation Orders and Alerts remain in place in West Kelowna, Westbank First Nation and Electoral Area West due to the McDougall Creek wildfire, which remains out of control. To view the map of areas currently under Evacuation Order and Alert, please visit cordemergency.ca.
It’s important for residents to know that those in the areas hardest hit by the fire will be on Evacuation Order longer. Crews are working diligently to remove hazards, restore infrastructure and reduce fire risk to make areas safe to return to.
The public is reminded, for their safety and that of fire crews, not to enter areas under an Evacuation Order. Many areas still exist where active firefighting is underway and ongoing dangers like downed power lines, hazardous materials, damaged trees, debris and equipment pose risks.
UPDATE 3:45pm (August 31, 2023)
Residents in RDCO Electoral Area West between La Casa heading south to 4017 Westside Road may return to their homes.
Returning residents must access Westside Road from Hwy. 97 via the north through Okanagan Indian Band and are reminded to be patient and be mindful of their speed. The speed limit throughout OKIB IR#1 along Westside Road is 60km.
As school is still out, please watch for children throughout residential areas. Drivers are advised that OKIB IR#1 is open range land and to be aware of potential livestock on roads, as well as wildlife.
Motorists should also be aware that Westside Road remains closed from the south. Officials are positioned at blockades and will not be letting vehicles through.
The following properties have been downgraded from Evacuation Order to Evacuation Alert:
Residents on Evacuation Alert must continue to be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period. Visit cordemergency.ca/map before heading home to confirm the status of properties and up-to-date Evacuation Order and Alert areas.
For the safety of the public and fire crews still working in the area, please do not enter naturalized areas. There are still locations where active firefighting is underway and dangers like downed power lines, hazardous materials, damaged trees, debris and equipment pose a safety risk.
Wildfire impacts on private water systems in the area are unknown. Residents are advised to follow up with their water supplier for more information. If you are unsure who your water supplier is, visit drinkingwaterforeveryone.ca/advisorymap.
As Evacuation Orders are downgraded, residents returning home can access frequently asked questions and other resources to aid in their safe return:
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free
UPDATE 8pm (August 30, 2023)
The Emergency Operations Centre has rescinded the Evacuation Alert for the following properties in the Boucherie Industrial area north of Highway 97 from Old Westlake Road to Daimler Road in West Kelowna:
Residents are visitors are reminded to please stay off the lake north of the William R. Bennett Bridge to allow unhindered access to BC Wildfire Service aircraft.
The Emergency Operations Centre has rescinded the Evacuation Alert for IR9 Old Okanagan Highway to Highway 97 and IR10 South of Highway 97 in Westbank First Nation (WFN).
The following properties are no longer on alert:
WFN IR 9 Old Okanagan Hwy to Hwy 97
WFN IR 10 South of Hwy 97
UPDATE 2:10pm (August 29, 2023)
Due to increased winds, the following properties are being added to the Evacuation Alert impacting Westbank First Nation residents:
Residents on Evacuation Alert must be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period. Visit cordemergency.ca/map to confirm the status of properties and up-to-date Evacuation Order and Alert areas.
Increased winds have created increased fire risk. In response, BC wildfire has taken the precautionary measure of directing additional aerial and ground support resources to monitor for new or increased fire activity in the area. West Kelowna fire crews are joined by 33 additional fire trucks from Armstrong to Peachland. Area residents will see increased fire suppression activity in their neighourhoods.
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free).
UPDATE 2pm (August 29, 2023)
Due to increased winds, the Emergency Operations Centre is expanding the evacuation alert in West Kelowna to include all of the Glenrosa and Westbank neighbourhoods.
The expanded alert area now includes properties north of Highway 97 from Highway 97C to Old Okanagan Highway, including properties North of Dobbin Road.
Area residents can expect to see an expanded presence of firefighters and trucks in the area. West Kelowna fire crews are joined by 33 additional firetrucks from Peachland to Armstrong.
Residents on Evacuation Alert must continue to be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period. Visit cordemergency.ca/map before heading home to confirm the status of properties and up-to-date Evacuation Order and Alert areas.
Increased winds have created increased fire risk. In response, BC Wildfire has taken the precautionary measure of directing additional aerial and ground support resources to monitor for new or increased fire activity in the area.
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free).
UPDATE 12:45pm (August 29, 2023)
Residents in West Kelowna Estates in West Kelowna may return to their homes. The following properties have been downgraded from Evacuation Order to Evacuation Alert:
Residents on Evacuation Alert must continue to be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period. Visit cordemergency.ca/map before heading home to confirm the status of properties and up-to-date Evacuation Order and Alert areas.
Residents of West Kelowna Estates are returning to a neighborhood impacted by wildfire with full-to-partial structure loss in some areas. Residents are asked to stay off neighbouring properties and respect the privacy of those who have experienced loss or damage.
For the safety of the public and fire crews still working in the area, please do not enter naturalized areas. There are still locations where active firefighting is underway and dangers like downed power lines, hazardous materials, damaged trees, debris and equipment pose a safety risk.
A portion of the rescind area in West Kelowna Estates was without power for several days. Those affected by outages are advised to talk with their insurers about what to do with their home contents, including spoiled foods, fridges and freezers before they take action. More information can be found in the at Resources | Central Okanagan Emergency Operations (cordemergency.ca)
As Evacuation Orders are downgraded, residents returning home can access frequently asked questions and other resources to aid in their safe return:
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free).
UPDATE 7pm (August 28, 2023)
West Kelowna, B.C. – The following property has been downgraded from Evacuation Order to Evacuation Alert:
Residents of properties on Evacuation Alert must continue to be prepared to leave properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period.
UPDATE 4pm (August 28, 2023)
Residents in Smith Creek in West Kelowna may return to their neighbourhood. The following properties have been downgraded from Evacuation Order to Evacuation Alert:
Residents of properties on evacuation alert must continue to be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period.
Residents are encouraged to check the map before heading home to confirm the status of their property. View the up-to-date evacuation order and alert areas on cordemergency.ca/map.
For the safety of the public and fire crews still working in the area, please do not enter naturalized areas. There are still locations where active firefighting is underway and dangers like downed power lines, hazardous materials, damaged trees, debris and equipment pose a safety risk.
As Evacuation Orders are downgraded, residents returning home can access frequently asked questions and other resources to aid in their safe return:
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free).
UPDATE 11:20 am (August 28, 2023)
Properties north of Terrace Mountain Road along Westside Road, including La Casa up to and including Fintry Provincial Park in the Regional District Electoral Area West, can return to their homes under Evacuation Alert status.
Returning residents must access Westside Road from Hwy. 97 via the north through Okanagan Indian Band and are reminded to be patient and slow down. The speed limit throughout OKIB IR#1 along Westside Road is 60km.
As school is still out, please watch for children throughout residential areas. Drivers should also be advised that OKIB IR#1 is open range land and to be aware of potential livestock on roads, as well as wildlife.
Motorists should also be aware that Westside Road is still closed south of La Casa due to fire activity and damage further south along Westside Road.
The following properties have been downgraded from Evacuation Order to Evacuation Alert:
Residents of properties on evacuation alert must continue to be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period.
Residents are encouraged to check the map before heading home to confirm the status of their property. View the up-to-date evacuation order and alert areas on cordemergency.ca/map.
For the safety of the public and fire crews still working in the area, please do not enter naturalized areas. There are still locations where active firefighting is underway and dangers like downed power lines, hazardous materials, damaged trees, debris and equipment pose a safety risk.
As Evacuation Orders are downgraded, residents returning home can access frequently asked questions and other resources to aid in their safe return:
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free).
UPDATE 12 pm (August 27, 2023)
Residents along the remaining portions of Bartley Road and Rosewood Drive in West Kelowna may return to their neighbourhood. The following properties have been downgraded from Evacuation Order to Evacuation Alert:
Residents of properties on evacuation alert must continue to be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period.
Residents are encouraged to check the map before heading home to confirm the status of their property. View the up-to-date evacuation order and alert areas on cordemergency.ca/map.
For the safety of the public and fire crews still working in the area, please do not enter naturalized areas. There are still locations where active firefighting is underway and dangers like downed power lines, hazardous materials, damaged trees, debris and equipment pose a safety risk.
UPDATE 11am (August 27, 2023)
Remainder of Shannon Woods and Tallus Ridge residents can return home.
Residents in upper Shannon Woods and Tallus Ridge areas in West Kelowna may return to their neighbourhoods. The following properties have been downgraded from Evacuation Order to Evacuation Alert:
Residents of properties on evacuation alert must continue to be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period.
Residents are encouraged to check the map before heading home to confirm the status of their property. View the up-to-date evacuation order and alert areas on cordemergency.ca/map.
UPDATE 7:30pm (August 26, 2023)
The Emergency Operations Centre is sharing the following operational update for August 26, 2023.
Orders and alerts rescinded
Today, over 600 properties were downgraded from Evacuation Order to Evacuation Alert in Lake Country, in parts of West Kelowna, and for Westbank Frist Nation IR#10.
There are no longer any properties under Evacuation Order in Lake Country. All properties have been downgraded to Alert.
As of 3:00 p.m., approximately 1,588 properties remain on Evacuation Order in West Kelowna, 1,114 in the Regional District of Central Okanagan, Electoral Area and 38 in Westbank First Nation. There are 15,184 properties in total that remain on Evacuation Alert.
The Emergency Operations Centre does not anticipate any further Evacuation Order downgrades this evening.
UPDATE 3:45pm (August 26, 2023)
The Emergency Operations Centre has downgraded the Evacuation Order for the following properties in upper Tallus Ridge, Shannon Woods Drive and Rainbow Road areas in the City of West Kelowna and placed them on Evacuation Alert:
Residents of properties on evacuation alert must continue to be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period
Areas and roads under an evacuation order remain closed to the public.
Residents are encouraged to check the map before heading home to confirm the status of their property. View the up-to-date evacuation order and alert areas on cordemergency.ca/map.
As Evacuation Orders are downgraded, residents returning home can access frequently asked questions and other resources to aid in their safe return. The public is reminded, for the safety of the public and fire crews still working in the area, please do not enter areas under an evacuation order. There are still many areas where active firefighting is underway and dangers like downed power lines, hazardous materials, damaged trees, debris and equipment pose a safety risk.
Resources for residents returning to their homes include:
Residents are asked to stay up to date through the CORD emergency site and also subscribe to receive e-updates. Go online to cordemergency.ca.
Residents are also reminded to please stay off the lake north of the William R. Bennett Bridge to allow unhindered access to BC Wildfire Service aircraft.
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free).
For municipal and local government information such as boat launch, park and road closures, visit their websites:
UPDATE 2:30pm (August 26, 2023)
The Emergency Operations Centre has downgraded the Evacuation Order to an Evacuation Alert for the 408 remaining properties in the District of Lake Country.
There are no more Evacuation Orders in the District of Lake Country, but properties remain on Evacuation Alert, meaning residents must continue to be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period.
The wildfire in Lake Country is considered held at 370 hectares, meaning it is not anticipated to grow any further. Fire crews remain active in the area managing hot spots in unpopulated and forested areas.
Residents are encouraged to check the map on cordemergency.ca/map before heading home to confirm the status of their property.
Residents returning home can access frequently asked questions and other resources at cordermergency.ca to aid in their safe return. The public is reminded, for their safety and that of fire crews that they may encounter various hazards on their private properties. Residents are asked to respect safety advice and directions from crews they may encounter and to keep a safe distance from active fire suppression work.
Resources for residents returning to their homes include:
Trail and park closures in the fire affected and forested areas are in place, this includes the future Summit phase of Lakestone area. For up-to-date information about trail and park closures in the area, check with the District of Lake Country and for regional parks the Regional District of the Central Okanagan websites.
Residents are also reminded to please stay off the lake north of the William R. Bennett Bridge to allow unhindered access to BC Wildfire Service aircraft.
Residents are asked to stay up to date through the CORD emergency website and also subscribe to receive e-updates. Go online to cordemergency.ca.
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free).
UPDATE 12pm (August 26, 2023)
The Emergency Operations Centre has downgraded the Evacuation Order to an Evacuation Alert for the following properties in Westbank First Nation IR#10:
Areas and roads under an evacuation order remain closed to the public. The Bear Creek and Westside Road blockade remains in place. Residents’ access will be open from the blockade to Lindley Drive.
Residents of properties on evacuation alert must be prepared to leave their properties at a moment’s notice and be away from home for an extended period. Residents are encouraged to check the cordemergency.ca map before heading home to confirm the status of their property.
As Evacuation Orders are downgraded, residents returning home can access frequently asked questions and other resources to aid in their safe return. The public is reminded, for the safety of the public and fire crews, please do not enter areas under an evacuation order. There are still many areas where active firefighting is underway and dangers like downed power lines, hazardous materials, damaged trees, debris and equipment pose a safety risk.
Resources for residents returning to their homes include:
Residents are also reminded to please stay off the lake north of the William R. Bennett Bridge to allow unhindered access to BC Wildfire Service aircraft.
Residents are asked to stay up to date through the CORD emergency site and also subscribe to receive e-updates. Go online to cordemergency.ca.
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free).
For municipal and local government information such as boat launch, park and road closures, visit their websites:
UPDATE 4:50pm (August 25, 2023)
The Emergency Operations Centre has downgraded the Evacuation Order for the following properties in the lower Tallus Ridge and Tuscany Drive area and placed them on Evacuation Alert:
Residents of properties on evacuation alert must be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period.
Areas and roads under an evacuation order remain closed to the public.
Residents are encouraged to check the map before heading home to confirm the status of their property. View the up-to-date evacuation order and alert areas on cordemergency.ca/map.
As Evacuation Orders are downgraded, residents returning home can access frequently asked questions and other resources to aid in their safe return. The public is reminded, for the safety of the public and fire crews, please do not enter areas under an evacuation order. There are still many areas where active firefighting is underway and dangers like downed power lines, hazardous materials, damaged trees, debris and equipment pose a safety risk.
Resources for residents returning to their homes include:
Residents are asked to stay up to date through the CORD emergency site and also subscribe to receive e-updates. Go online to cordemergency.ca.
Residents are also reminded to please stay off the lake north of the William R. Bennett Bridge to allow unhindered access to BC Wildfire Service aircraft.
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free).
For municipal and local government information such as boat launch, park and road closures, visit their websites:
UPDATE 4:45pm (August 25, 2023)
The Emergency Operations Centre has downgraded the Evacuation Order for the following properties in the Lenz Road and Rose Valley areas and placed them on Evacuation Alert:
Residents of properties on evacuation alert must be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period.
Areas and roads under an evacuation order remain closed to the public.
Residents are encouraged to check the map before heading home to confirm the status of their property. View the up-to-date evacuation order and alert areas on cordemergency.ca/map.
As Evacuation Orders are downgraded, residents returning home can access frequently asked questions and other resources to aid in their safe return. The public is reminded, for the safety of the public and fire crews, please do not enter areas under an evacuation order. There are still many areas where active firefighting is underway and dangers like downed power lines, hazardous materials, damaged trees, debris and equipment pose a safety risk.
Resources for residents returning to their homes include:
Residents are asked to stay up to date through the CORD emergency site and also subscribe to receive e-updates. Go online to cordemergency.ca.
Residents are also reminded to please stay off the lake north of the William R. Bennett Bridge to allow unhindered access to BC Wildfire Service aircraft.
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free).
For municipal and local government information such as boat launch, park and road closures, visit their websites:
UPDATE 4:30pm (August 25, 2023)
The Emergency Operations Centre has rescinded the Evacuation Alert for the following properties in the Casa Loma area of West Kelowna:
An Evacuation Alert may need to be reissued: however, if that is deemed necessary the process will re-commence.
Residents are asked to stay up to date through the CORD emergency site and also subscribe to receive e-updates. Go online to cordemergency.ca.
Residents are also reminded to please stay off the lake north of the William R. Bennett Bridge to allow unhindered access to BC Wildfire Service aircraft.
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free).
For municipal and local government information such as boat launch, park and road closures, visit their websites:
UPDATE 4:25pm (August 25, 2023)
The Emergency Operations Centre has rescinded the Evacuation Alert for the following properties in Westbank First Nation IR#10:
An Evacuation Alert may need to be reissued: however, if that is deemed necessary the process will re-commence.
UPDATE 3:45pm (August 25, 2023)
The Emergency Operations Centre has downgraded the Evacuation Order for the following properties in the Lenz Road and Rose Valley areas and placed them on Evacuation Alert:
Residents of properties on evacuation alert must be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period.
Areas and roads under an evacuation order remain closed to the public.
Residents are encouraged to check the map before heading home to confirm the status of their property. View the up-to-date evacuation order and alert areas on cordemergency.ca/map.
As Evacuation Orders are downgraded, residents returning home can access frequently asked questions and other resources to aid in their safe return. The public is reminded, for the safety of the public and fire crews, please do not enter areas under an evacuation order. There are still many areas where active firefighting is underway and dangers like downed power lines, hazardous materials, damaged trees, debris and equipment pose a safety risk.
Resources for residents returning to their homes include:
Residents are asked to stay up to date through the CORD emergency site and also subscribe to receive e-updates. Go online to cordemergency.ca.
Residents are also reminded to please stay off the lake north of the William R. Bennett Bridge to allow unhindered access to BC Wildfire Service aircraft.
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free).
For municipal and local government information such as boat launch, park and road closures, visit their websites:
UPDATE 2pm (August 25, 2023)
More families in Lake Country are now able to return home. The Central Okanagan Emergency Operations Centre has downgraded the Evacuation Order for the following properties and placed them on Evacuation Alert:
Residents of properties on evacuation alert must be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period.
Areas and roads under an evacuation order remain closed to the public.
Residents in this area are encouraged to check the map before heading home to confirm the status of their property. View the up-to-date evacuation order and alert areas on cordemergency.ca/map.
As Evacuation Orders are downgraded, residents returning home can access frequently asked questions and other resources to aid in their safe return. The public is reminded, for the safety of the public and fire crews, please do not enter areas under an evacuation order. There are still many areas where active firefighting is underway and dangers like downed power lines, hazardous materials, damaged trees, debris and equipment pose a safety risk.
Resources for residents returning to their homes include:
Residents are asked to stay up to date through the CORD emergency site and also subscribe to receive e-updates. Go online to cordemergency.ca.
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free).
For municipal and local government information such as boat launch, park and road closures, visit their websites:
UPDATE 10am (August 25, 2023)
Kelowna, B.C. – The Emergency Operations Centre provides the following operational update for August 25, 2023
Orders and alerts rescinded
Yesterday, properties previously under Evacuation Order within the City of Kelowna were downgraded to an alert status.
As of 9 a.m. approximately 2,663 properties remain on Evacuation Order in West Kelowna, 655 in Lake Country, 1,114 in the Regional District of Central Okanagan, Electoral Area and 50 in Westbank First Nation. There are 13,773 properties in total that remain on Evacuation Alert.
Residents on Evacuation Alert must still be prepared to leave their properties at a moment’s notice if fire conditions change. Please visit cordemergency.ca/map to view all existing orders and alerts.
As orders are downgraded, residents returning home can access frequently asked questions and other resources to aid in their safe return. For the safety of the public and fire crews, please do not enter areas under an evacuation order. There are still many areas where active firefighting is underway and dangers like downed power lines, hazardous materials, damaged trees, debris and equipment pose a safety risk.
Resources for residents returning to their homes include:
Task Forces are patrolling alert areas and actioning hot spots in the District of Lake Country and City of Kelowna. Residents can report hot spots to the non-emergency line at 250-469-8577. Fire suppression crews are continuing to action the McDougall Creek Wildfire. Visit BC Wildfire Service (gov.bc.ca). for more information on current resources.
Property notification tool
An online search tool is available for City of West Kelowna, Westbank First Nation and Central Okanagan West Electoral Area properties that have experienced total and partial losses resulting from the McDougall Creek Wildfire.
Property owners who have been placed on Evacuation Order can search to see if their property has incurred losses by visiting www.cordemergency.ca/propertyinfo. If your property has not been placed on Evacuation Order, your address will not show. The Emergency Operation Centre asks the general public to be respectful of this process – if you are not on Evacuation Order do not use the search tool.
The search tool follows the work of Canada Task Force 1 Team, which completed assessments to identify properties that incurred losses in the wildfires. This was the first step in aiding in the public notification process. Further hazard assessments must now be completed at each property, to determine the number and types of structures lost on each property. That process is completed in the City of Kelowna and District of Lake Country. The process will take longer but remains a priority in the communities of West Kelowna, Westbank First Nation and the Regional District of the Central Okanagan West Electoral Area where losses have been greater.
The EOC expresses condolences to everyone who has experienced losses from the McDougall Creek, Clifton/McKinley and Lake Country Wildfires.
Emergency Support Services
Residents currently on Evacuation Order who have not already done so are strongly encouraged to register with Emergency Support Services (ESS) at https://ess.gov.bc.ca to ensure contact information is up to date.
You will get faster service if you have your BC Services Card App, as this will verify your profile in the ESS Evacuee Registration and Assistance systems that support etransfer.
If you need support setting up your BC Services Card App before registering, please call 1-888-356-2741.
Evacuees should only attend a reception centre if they are unable to get support through the Provincial ESS Information Centre at 1-800-585-9559.
West Kelowna reception centre has relocated to Mount Boucherie Secondary School, 2751 Cameron Road. Hours are as follows:
Additional reception centres are located at:
For more information
Residents are asked to stay up to date with the status of alerts and orders through the CORD emergency site and to also subscribe to receive e-updates. Go online to cordemergency.ca. View the up-to-date evacuation order and alert areas on cordemergency.ca/map.
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free). While we welcome all inquiries, the Emergency Operation Centre is also appealing to the public to only call the public information line if their matter is urgent, if they are on Evacuation Order or if they have been called to confirm a loss on their property. This will allow the Emergency Operations Centre the time to focus resources on helping those who need it most at this difficult time. For emergencies, call 9-1-1.
For municipal and local government information such as boat launch, park and road closures, visit their websites
UPDATE: 6:30pm (August 24, 2023)
Families from hundreds of properties in West Kelowna Estates are now able to return home. The Central Okanagan Emergency Operations Centre has downgraded the Evacuation Order for several West Kelowna properties and placed them on Evacuation Alert only due to the McDougall Creek Fire.
The following properties are now within the evacuation alert areas and no further changes for West Kelowna will be issued today:
View the up-to-date evacuation order and alert areas on cordemergency.ca/map.
Residents of properties on evacuation alert must be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period.
As Evacuation Orders are downgraded, residents returning home can access frequently asked questions and other resources to aid in a safe return. The public is reminded, for the safety of the public and fire crews, please do not enter areas under an evacuation order. There are still many areas where active firefighting is underway and dangers like downed power lines, hazardous materials, damaged trees, debris and equipment pose a safety risk.
Emergency Support Services (ESS) in West Kelowna will move to the gym at Mount Boucherie Secondary School at 2751 Cameron Road tomorrow. The hours will be:
The Asquith Road Transfer Station in the city of West Kelowna will resume normal operations on Friday for residential garbage. Yard waste is not being accepted at this time.
Resources for residents returning to their homes include:
Residents are asked to stay up to date with the status of evacuation alerts and orders through the CORD emergency site and also subscribe to receive e-updates. Go online to cordemergency.ca. View the up-to-date evacuation order and alert areas on cordemergency.ca/map.
More Information:
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free).
For municipal and local government information such as boat launch, park and road closures, visit their websites:
UPDATE 5pm (August 24, 2023)
More than 300 properties which have been on an evacuation order in the District of Lake Country have been downgraded to an evacuation alert. These include properties to the north end and east sides of the fire area.
Residents of properties on evacuation alert must be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period.
The following 700 properties remain on an evacuation order and no further changes in Lake Country will be issued today:
Areas and roads under an evacuation order remain closed to the public.
Residents in this area are encouraged to check the map before heading home to confirm the status of their property. View the up-to-date evacuation order and alert areas on cordemergency.ca/map.
As Evacuation Orders are downgraded, residents returning home can access frequently asked questions and other resources to aid in their safe return. The public is reminded, for the safety of the public and fire crews, please do not enter areas under an evacuation order. There are still many areas where active firefighting is underway and dangers like downed power lines, hazardous materials, damaged trees, debris and equipment pose a safety risk.
Resources for residents returning to their homes include:
Residents are asked to stay up to date through the CORD emergency site and also subscribe to receive e-updates. Go online to cordemergency.ca.
Residents are also reminded to please stay off the lake north of the William R. Bennett Bridge to allow unhindered access to BC Wildfire Service aircraft.
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free).
For municipal and local government information such as boat launch, park and road closures, visit their websites:
UPDATE 4pm (August 24, 2023)
All City of Kelowna properties previously under Evacuation Order have been downgraded to Alert status.
Current Evacuation Orders and Alerts for Lake Country and West Kelowna, Westbank First Nations and RDCO remain in place, including residents on Bancroft Road in RDCO Electoral Area West, who were mistakenly included in the previous release.
The Emergency Operations Centre has a comprehensive guide for safely returning home with information about property and food safety, including fridges and freezers, pets, insurance, mental health support and more. Find the guide and other resources online at:
Glenmore Road has been re-opened. City of Kelowna residents living in the Finch Road area will be required to access their homes during daylight hours via arranged access at the end of Wild Rose Road in the McKinley Landing neighbourhood. The Evacuation Order for Lake Country residents along Finch Road remains in place at this time.
View the updated order and alert areas on cordemergency.ca/map.
Residents on evacuation alert must be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period.
Additional information for the safe return home
Residents may encounter various hazards on their properties created by the wildfire including damaged trees. Damaged trees on private property should consult with a qualified arborist. Damages trees on City property can be reported thought the City of Kelowna’s service request system at kelowna.ca.
Other online resources for residents returning to their homes include:
Closures of parks and natural areas will continue including Stephens Coyote Ridge Regional Park and the North Glenmore Dog Park. For more information on Stephens Coyote Ridge Regional Park, go to www.rdco.com. Residents are asked to respect signs, locked gates and barricades and stay out of these parks and natural areas in the wildfire affected areas for their safety. Crews will be doing hazard assessments and working in those areas to get them safe for eventual re-entry in the weeks ahead.
If residents returning home notice hot spots within their areas, they can call the Kelowna Fire Department non-emergency line at 250-469-8577.
The public is reminded, for the safety of the public and fire crews, to not enter areas still under an Evacuation Order. There are still many areas where active firefighting is underway and dangers like downed power lines, hazardous materials, debris and equipment pose a safety risk.
More Information:
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free).
For municipal and local government information such as boat launch, park and road closures, visit their websites:
UPDATE 2:20pm (August 24, 2023)
The Central Okanagan Emergency Operations Centre has downgraded the Evacuation Order for the McKinley Landing and Finch Road areas, in the City of Kelowna and placed them on Evacuation Alert.
The Emergency Operations Centre has a comprehensive guide for safely returning home with information about property and food safety, including fridges and freezers, pets, insurance, mental health support and more. Find the guide and other resources online at:
Glenmore Road has been re-opened for the return home. However, residents living in the Finch Road area will be required to access their homes during daylight hours via arranged access at the end of Wild Rose Road in the McKinley Landing neighbourhood.
The following areas are no longer within the Evacuation Order area, and are now in the Evacuation Alert area, and can return home:
View the updated order and alert areas on cordemergency.ca/map.
Residents on evacuation alert must be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period.
Additional information for the safe return home
Residents may encounter various hazards on their properties created by the wildfire including damaged trees.
Other online resources for residents returning to their homes include:
Closures of parks and natural areas will continue including Stephens Coyote Ridge Regional Park and the North Glenmore Dog Park. For more information on Stephens Coyote Ridge Regional Park, go to www.rdco.com. Residents are asked to respect signs, locked gates and barricades and stay out of these parks and natural areas in the wildfire affected areas for their safety. Crews will be doing hazard assessments and working in those areas to get them safe for eventual re-entry in the weeks ahead.
If residents returning home notice hot spots within their areas, they can call the Kelowna Fire Department non-emergency line at 250-469-8577.
The public is reminded, for the safety of the public and fire crews, to not enter areas still under an Evacuation Order. There are still many areas where active firefighting is underway and dangers like downed power lines, hazardous materials, debris and equipment pose a safety risk.
More Information:
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free).
For municipal and local government information such as boat launch, park and road closures, visit their websites:
UPDATE (August 24, 2023)
The Emergency Operations Centre, supporting response and recovery for the McDougall Creek Wildfire, has reduced the evacuation order area and expanded the evacuation alert area in West Kelowna. The following properties are now within the evacuation alert areas:
Horizon Drive
All properties at:
South of Shannon Lake Road and Alexandria Way
All properties at:
All properties along:
All properties along:
View the up-to-date evacuation order and alert areas on cordemergency.ca/map.
UPDATE: 2:30pm (August 23, 2023)
The Emergency Operations Centre is supporting response and recovery for the Lake Country Wildfire and the Evacuation Order area in the District of Lake Country has been reduced and the evacuation alert area has been expanded. The following properties are now within the evacuation alert areas:
View the up-to-date evacuation order and alert areas on cordemergency.ca/map.
Residents of properties on evacuation alert must be prepared to leave their properties at a moment's notice and be away from home for an extended period.
As Evacuation Orders are downgraded, residents returning home can access frequently asked questions and other resources to aid in their safe return. The public is reminded, for the safety of the public and fire crews, please do not enter areas under an evacuation order. There are still many areas where active firefighting is underway and dangers like downed power lines, hazardous materials, damaged trees, debris and equipment pose a safety risk.
Resources for residents returning to their homes include:
Residents are asked to stay up to date through the CORD emergency site and also subscribe to receive e-updates. Go online to cordemergency.ca.
Residents are also reminded to please stay off the lake north of the William R. Bennett Bridge to allow unhindered access to BC Wildfire Service aircraft.
For more information, contact the information line at 250-469-8490 (local) or 1-877-569-8490 (toll-free).
For municipal and local government information such as boat launch, park and road closures, visit their websites:
West Kelowna:
Kelowna, B.C. – The Central Okanagan Emergency Operations Centre has rescinded the evacuation order for the following West Kelowna properties and placed them on evacuation alert only due to the McDougall Creek Fire:
Residents on evacuation alert should be ready to leave their properties at any time and be away from home for an extended period.
A detailed map is available showing affected properties at www.cordemergency.ca.
Westbank First Nation:
The Central Okanagan Emergency Operations Centre has rescinded evacuation orders for some properties within Westbank First Nation and placed them on alert only due to the McDougall Creek Fire.
Properties located on Westbank First Nation IR#10 South of North Lindley and Bear Creek Road on evacuation alert only now include:
Residents on evacuation alert should be ready to leave their properties at anytime.
The following areas located in Westbank First Nation remain on EVACUATION ORDER:
Lake Country:
The following properties in Lake Country have been removed from evacuation order due to the Lake Country Wildfire and are now placed on evacuation alert.
All properties east of Glenmore Road to Highway 97 from the southern Lake Country border north to Glenmore Road
10910 BOND RD
10950 BOND RD
10990 BOND RD
11014 BOND RD
11062 BOND RD
11086 BOND RD
11140 BOND RD
11140A BOND RD
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11170 BOND RD
11180 BOND RD
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11270 BOND RD
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11310 BOND RD
11310A BOND RD
11330 BOND RD
11350 BOND RD
11370 BOND RD
11390 BOND RD
11410 BOND RD
11430 BOND RD
11470 BOND RD
View the up-to-date evacuation order and alert areas on cordemergency.ca/map.