BC Wildfire Service is reporting that though the White Rock Lake fire remains active and fire behaviour can change quickly, there have been some good gains with increased humidity, cooler temperatures and the hard work from the fire crews.
Based on the recommendations from BC Wildfire Service and the Armstrong Spallumcheen Fire Chief, the Township of Spallumcheen is rescinding the Evacuation Alert for the entire Township.
We would like to stress that the White Rock Lake fire is not out and with projected warmer temperatures forecasted, fire behaviour may change quickly. The primary source for updated information from the Township of Spallumcheen Emergency Operation Centre is our website www.spallumcheentwp.bc.ca.
Though the evacuation alert is rescinded as of 14:30 August 9, 2021, we are still asking all residents to ensure they have all required emergency planning in place for their home and family.
The Emergency Operation Centre remains operational throughout the day.