Update 11:20 a.m. August 6
A new Evacuation Order is issued for the RDCO Central Okanagan West Electoral Area in response to the White Rock Lake wildfire. Properties from south of Westshore Estates along Westside Road from Killiney Beach including Ewings Landing are now under this extended Evacuation Order and were previously on an Evacuation Alert from August 1.
Residents in this extended evacuation area have until 1 p.m. this afternoon to return and gather belongings and all must leave the area by 1 p.m. They must leave the area travelling south on Westside Road as there is no access to the north.
The new Evacuation Order includes 608 properties along Westside Road from 8525 Ewings Landing Road (south end) to 9995 Westside Road (north end), up to the Sugarloaf Forest Service Road turn off. Specific roads affected include:
A detailed map is available showing affected properties at cordemergency.ca.
As the area was previously on Alert, most residents should be prepared to leave their properties and be away from their homes for an extended period of time and report to Emergency Social Services (ESS).
An Emergency Support Services (ESS) reception centre for evacuated residents is located at 1480 Sutherland Ave in Kelowna. ESS volunteers are available, as needed, to help affected Central Okanagan residents. Residents that are evacuated from their homes must report to the reception centre to receive any assistance and lodging. Evacuees can pre-register with ESS online at ess.gov.bc.ca but still need to visit the ESS Reception Centre in order to receive the appropriate supplier forms as specific paperwork is required in order to access these services.
Emergency Operations Centre staff are working with other response agencies to manage the situation and minimize the impacts. RCMP will regularly patrol the evacuated area. Sections of Westside Road through evacuation areas will be closed and residents will not be able to travel north to Vernon. Visit drivebc.ca for road closure details.
Emergency response personnel request that the public:
For more information about this wildfire, visit cordemergency.ca, sign up for e-updates, or call the information line at 250-469-8490.
Update 10 a.m. August 6, 2021
The community of Monte Lake has been devestated by the White Rock Lake wildfire.
Ken Gillis, chairperson of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District, says there is serious damage. "We have been unable to assess the extent of it because as things stand right now it's too dangerous to go in. We are hoping there might be a window during which we can go in and have a look and assess the damage, but we do know that a number of residences burned and that some commercial buildings went, including the Monte Lake General Store."
Gillis says as far as he knows no one has been hurt.
"When I was in Westwold yesterday afternoon the fire was moving slowly towards Westwold, but it moved very, very quickly toward Monte Lake. For the time being Westwold has escaped and Falkland as well."
There are reports of damage in Paxton Valley to the northeast of Monte Lake as well.
The City of Kamloops has also put several neighbourhoods on evacuation alert.
Original Story 8:45 a.m. August 6, 2021
Another British Columbia community has been devastated by a raging wildfire and more could be at risk from a blaze in the southern Interior between Kamloops and Vernon.
Ken Gillis, chairman of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District, says he has been advised that damage is extensive in the community of Monte Lake and through the nearby Paxton Valley.
The 325-square kilometre White Rock Lake wildfire jumped Highway 97 about 40 kilometres southeast of Kamloops late Thursday.
An official with the BC Wildfire Service has confirmed further growth of the blaze is expected and a statement from the service says winds gusting up to 40 kilometres per hour are expected through the day.
Hundreds of properties in communities to the east and west of Monte Lake were already under evacuation order, but further evacuation orders were issued by the regional district overnight and the City of Kamloops has placed residents in several of its southeastern neighbourhoods on evacuation alert.
It was just over one month ago that a wildfire raced through the village of Lytton, killing two people, destroying most of the community and causing an estimated $78 million in damage.
- with files from The Canadian Press -