As of Sunday, Aug. 14 through to the end of August, Leckie Rd is closed to vehicle access on both sides of Hwy 97, along with continuing lane closures on Hwy 97, from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. Vehicles can access local businesses off Enterprise Way or Banks Rd during these closures. Construction is being done to accommodate traffic signal works and continuing intersection improvements in this area.
During construction there will be an increase in truck and equipment traffic. Vehicles and pedestrians are being asked to keep their distance, use caution, and follow all posted signage.
This intersection improvement project has been a collaboration between the City of Kelowna, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, and the Costco Development. Improvements include a:
The ATC on Leckie Rd will be extended to Highway 97, completing the ATC on Leckie Rd between Highway 97 and the Greenway. Future phases of the ATC will continue to Dilworth Dr and connect to the Okanagan Rail Trail. The City of Kelowna and onsite crews appreciate your patience during these upgrades. Visit to plan your route.