West Kelowna Mayor, Doug Findlater has removed himself from the running in the next municipal election, as Mayor...
“We are now a respected, fully-functioning city, in good financial shape for a city our age,” Findlater reflected, on The Early Edition with Phil Johnson this morning. “ We have a number of accomplishments in terms of infrastructure, some big ones ahead of us, in terms of another water treatment plant, and we’ve got some financial challenges coming up, changes in revenue stream that we’re gonna have to address.”
It makes sense that Findlater speaks about the future development of the community. He’s considering a run for West Kelowna City Council, “I am inclined to look at the implications of staying involved on a lesser basis. I want to look at what’s involved in the campaign, because campaigns are a bit of work as well.”
The 68 year old was first elected Mayor in 2008, shortly after West Kelowna incorporated. He was then re-elected in 2011 and 2014. Those 10-plus years in the big chair put a strain on time. “The Mayor’s job is very full-time, very stressful, 24/7, 52 weeks a year,” explained Findlater.
“I’m looking forward to not being the lead person, the go-to person. I’ve enjoyed doing that but I have some other things to do in life. Some travel, I have 4 grandkids, 3 of which are teenagers now, and I have some personal things to attend to, such as dealing with a house I’ve lived in for 42 years. I want to spend more time doing those things.”
In January, former councillor, Gord Millsom became the first to declare his intention to run for Mayor of West Kelowna.
Nomination papers can now be picked up by candidates seeking to run in the municipal election. The papers must be filed by September 14th, and the BC general election is set for October 20th.