The Kelowna RCMP presents the final Coffee with a Cop this month at the Downtown Kelowna Library (1380 Ellis Street) scheduled for this coming Thursday (April 27) from 10:00am – 11:30am.
“We have been pleasantly surprised with the amount of questions members of the public have been asking us this month,” says Mike Della-Paolera, Media Relations Officers with the Kelowna RCMP. “We live here too and with so much going on in our city, it’s been great to hear the public taking a vested interest in community safety by sitting down with our officers, sharing their ideas and asking questions.”
Members of the public are invited to stop into the library for a coffee on Thursday morning and ask any local policing question that is affecting them or their neighbourhood. This is also an opportunity for anyone with an interest in policing to ask what it takes to join the Royal Canadian Mounted Police!
There is no purchase of a coffee necessary to speak to an RCMP officer.