A fire in Westgate Village Mobile Home Park destroyed one home on Thursday afternoon, and nearly took down two others.
Just after 1:30, West Kelowna firefighters responded to the scene on Old Boucherie Road, where the home was fully engulfed in flame, and threatening to move to neighbouring units.
Because the Westgate park isn't hooked up to the municipal water system, firefighters were left to use a local water supply, before running a line from a hydrant all the way from a neighbouring mobile park.
Officials say the home is a total loss, but that firefighters were able to save the two mobiles on either side.
An excavator was called in to knock down the rest of the unit as a safety measure, and an investigation of the cause is ongoing.
Two of the four people who lived in the unit were home when the fire started, and were treated by paremedics at the scene.
West Kelowna Fire Rescue is reminding people to develop a home fire escape plan - more information can be found at http://www.nfpa.org/Public-Education/By-topic/Safety-in-the-home/Escape-planning