Former City of Kelowna Engineer James Kay is announcing he will be running for a seat on the Municipal Council.
He says his campaign will focus on “Putting Kelowna Residents First.” and that he has a proven track-record in leadership and entrepreneurship.
Kay's decelration for council touched on how he has started, grown and operated several local small businesses and has experience inside City Hall, where he served as the Development Engineering Manager from 2016-2021.
The decleration also mentioned himself currently being chair of the Silver Lake Forest Education Society, being a past president of the Rotary Club of Kelowna and holding leadership roles in several local industry associations.
With Kelowna’s rapid growth, Kay believes his background in civil engineering and infrastructure in addition to his experience in leading his own business, and other small businesses, puts him in a strong position to provide knowledgeable leadership on Kelowna’s most pressing issues.
“I’m running to ensure Kelowna continues on a path of responsible growth” says Kay. “We need to make sure we can provide the services, facilities and infrastructure that residents need and prioritize investments that will make a positive difference to all Kelowna residents - all while getting the best value for our money.”
Kay also believes Kelowna, which he describes as “a great City in the making”, needs to focus on sustainability with a renewed focus on growing revenues, reducing costs, and ensuring resources go to the areas most needed, including the infrastructure to support growth.
Kay wants to hear from Kelowna residents on the issues and is asking for input through his website.
“Local government provides the most direct opportunity for people to make change” says Kay, “and the more of us involved, the better we’ll be to meet the opportunities and challenges ahead.”
He is also encouraging everyone to vote on election day – October 15th.