The CSRD’s FireSmart program is making it easier and cheaper for residents near the Scotch Creek and Skimikin Transfer stations to clean up their properties and get rid of yard waste.
Removing yard waste and pruning vegetation is one of the best ways for residents to reduce the risk of wildfire to their homes and neighbourhoods.
Beginning April 26, the CSRD is using grant funding from the Union of BC Municipalities Community Resiliency Initiative to fund a new pilot program to offer additional operating hours at the Scotch Creek and Skimikin Transfer Stations to accept yard waste only.
No garbage or recycling will be accepted at these sites during the free yard waste disposal days.
The Scotch Creek Transfer Station will be adding hours from 10 AM to 4 PM on upcoming Wednesdays in the spring:
May 3, 10, 17, 24
June 7
The Skimikin Transfer Station will be adding hours from 10 AM to 4 PM on upcoming Thursdays in the spring:
May 4, 11, 18, 25
June 8, 15
Accepted material for disposal includes: tree trimmings, deadwood and debris, branches under 20 cm (8 inches) in diameter, and surface vegetation like leaves and grass clippings.
During these special yard-waste only disposal days, yard waste brought to the sites in dual-axle trailers will be accepted for free. Usually, these large trailers are required to pay for their loads. Dual-axle trailers must be unloaded by hand.
Should this pilot program prove successful, it may be implemented or expanded in future years.