Gas in the Central Okanagan is almost costing as much as it does in Vancouver.
Prices have gone up today from 128.9 cents a litre to 139.9. This is after a jump earlier in the week from 119.9.
Dan McTeague with says stations are currently buying for $1.23 and they're trying to maintain a 13 cent retail margin.
“So that’s what’s causing the price to jump,” he says “And it’s directly related to the very thing we saw earlier in the week, which is this craziness in Chicago, with the spot price going through the roof.”
He says the spot price is beginning to climb down though.
“Starting Tuesday or Wednesday of next week look for prices to drop 3 or 4 cents a liter and probably every day thereafter,” he said “This time next week, hopefully we’ll be back down well below $1.20”
Gas in Vancouver is currently at $1.44.