No new Evacuation Orders or Alerts are expected due the Glen Lake Wildfire today after cooler temperatures and a little rain, but the situation can change swiftly and residents are advised to be prepared and keep informed.
The fireguard placed earlier by BC Wildfire Service aircraft held but an updated size of the fire is unavailable currently due to smoky conditions. Today, BC Wildfire Service continue to have aircraft, ground personnel and heavy equipment fighting the fire, working in conjunction with Peachland Fire and Rescue on structural protection. Additional resources are arriving to the community to be deployed if needed.
An Evacuation Order remains in effect for recreational properties accessed off Glen Lake Forest Service Road, including:
An Evacuation Alert remains for all areas within the Regional District of Central Okanagan south of the Brenda Mine site, southwest of Highway 97C (Okanagan Connector) and west of Highway 97. The Alert does not include Peachland Beach Avenue neighbourhoods or the downtown area.
For more detailed alert and order information, please check the interactive map available at
People on Evacuation Order should leave their properties immediately. Anyone in the Alert zone must be ready to evacuate at a moment’s notice and be away from their property for an extended period of time.
Visit the following websites for more information related to Evacuation Alerts and Evacuation Orders within other jurisdictions:
Emergency response personnel request that the public:
For more information, visit, sign up for e-updates or call the information line at 250-469-8490.