A group of potential community owners is assembling to try and keep the Warriors in West Kelowna.
Mortgage Broker Peter Siemers is leading the campaign, and says they're trying to drum up as much financial commitment as they can from people and businesses in the community.
He says time is of the essence.
"I think you have to look at within a month. We do have some interest, we have people that are very interested in being involved, both ownership-wise, and also on a marketing committee side," he said.
"So I would say within a month we'll know whether this will be a go or not. Probably less than that, but that's pretty much the deadline that I have based on some very reliable information."
Siemers says the city has been very receptive to the idea, though Mayor Doug Findlater confirmed this week that it wouldn't go so far as being directly involved financially.
Siemers says he sees potential in some untapped areas.
"We haven't explored a lot of the relationships that are available in West Kelowna, one of them's with minor hockey, and I think we drive a bigger season ticket base through them," he said.
"I think we need to approach them on a program where we get hopefully every child that plays minor hockey a season ticket to the game. Which in turn would drive the walk-up traffic, because if one of those young men or ladies come to the game, they more often will bring another person."
As for why he's taken up the cause, he says local hockey has been a part of his life for a long time.
"It's a bit of a passion, I've been on the westside for 21 years, and I was a minor hockey coach here, my son went through the program. And I see what the team means to the community - it's culturally, socially, and economically a driver for this community," he said.
If you're interested in getting involved, you can contact Siemers directly at 778-214-7360.