It’s spring, and you know what spring means? Ticks.
And March is Tick awareness month for a good reason.
The small parasites come around when the ground warms up to around four degrees. They are most likely to be found at the end of tall grasses or waiting under dead leaves to transfer onto anything that walks by.
“They like shady, moist areas at ground level. Anything between 18 to 24 inches off the ground is more likely where you’re going to find ticks that are just waiting to catch on to you as you go by,” said Colleen McElwain, a spokesperson for Canadian Animal Health Institute.
“Sometimes you can find them at the edge of the woods, old stone walls, lawns and gardens, where there are more longer grasses.”
Contrary to popular belief, ticks can be just as, if not more, harmful to humans as pets. Some types can even transmit a serious illness known as Lyme disease.
“Early removal is better; it gives them less time to pass something on through their bite,” said McElwain.
There are many ways to be proactive, including different products on the market that help kill ticks and prevent disease.
According to McElwain, you should perform a routine check after spending time in high-risk areas.
Ticks burrow their beaks under the skin making removal difficult. If you find a tick on yourself or your pet, have a professional remove it.