Things you may have noticed about the homeless on the streets of Kelowna.
Many have shopping carts piled high with belongings and often, there's a bike, or even two.
The question is - are the bikes stolen?
An amateur videographer posted a video online this week alleging that the bikes, and bike parts, seen in the parking lot of Heath House are in fact stolen.
The Canadian Mental Health Association runs the suppportive housing facility on Highway 97 near Leathead Road.
Spokesman Mike Gawliuk says the homeless need transportation too.
"Bikes are certainly part of this whole scene. We are an accountable provider, and if we have concerns around anything taking place that is illegal, we absolutely work with the authorities and address it a soon as possible. We are responsible in that area."
Gawliuk says the 24 hour per day staff is well aware of what's happening with Heath House residents in their daily lives, he says it's a key component of the program.
So far, none of the bikes on site have been identified as stolen.
According to Kelowna RCMP, bike theft is one of the most prevalent property crimes in the city.