The slow, but steady decrease continues for levels of Central Okanagan lakes.
Okanagan Lake dropped 1.9 centimetres from Monday and is now at 342.964 metres above sea level.
The lake remains just over 48 centimetres above full pool, the normal lake level for this time of year.
Since Monday, Kalamalka Lake decreased 2.9 centimetres and is now at 392.179 metres, which is also 48 centimetres above full pool.
BC Wildfire contractor crews worked through the weekend to remove flood protection works from low risk areas. They're expected to continue this demobilization work until the clean up is complete.
Property owners along lakefront should continue to monitor their flood protection measures. For residents in areas were the flooding risk has passed, more information about sandbag locations for drop off, details about recovery efforts, and a link to the online Emergency Management BC sandbag recovery application, can be found at
Boaters are encouraged to continue efforts to keep wakes and waves down to reduce potential shoreline erosion. Residents and visitors looking to enjoy lakes in the area are encouraged to check out the Boating Wake maps at and follow the guidelines for respectful boating. Regular boating activities may resume, once lakes reach more reasonable levels.
Major efforts were taken leading up to the long weekend to try and clean up and open as many waterfront beach areas as possible in each municipality and local government. This work will continue in aresa where it is safe and the flood risk is minimal. Residents should check with each municipality on which parks, beaches and roads are open.
For municipal information such as boat launch, park and beach closures, and water quality advisories, visit their websites:
· Regional District of Central Okanagan
For beach water quality updates, visit Interior Health’s Water Samples page on
To stay informed about flooding and the recovery efforts, visit