Building and development statistics
Council received an update on building and development statistics from the first three months of 2020. Council heard that, based on the current available information, all the fundamentals appear to be in place to allow a quick rebound from a slow first quarter which was heavily impacted by COVID-19. More information can be found here
Sarsons Beach Park
Council approved construction of a temporary 1.2-metre high fence along the front entrance to Sarsons Beach Park, along Hobson Road. It will stay in place until such time that a fence has been constructed along the neighbouring park property line adjacent to 387 Hobson Crescent.
Changes to development approval processes
Council supported a change to processes around development variance applications (DVPs). DVP applications will be separated into two categories — major and minor — with a different approval process for each. Major DVP applications that require significant variances will continue to be held at Tuesday evening public hearings, with the opportunity for applicant and public presentations, while minor DVPs would be considered at Monday afternoon Council meetings without an opportunity for the applicant or the public to present to Council.