The Regional Board received an update regarding the service agreement with the BC Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BC SPCA). For over 30 years the RDCO has been in a contractual partnership with BC SPCA. Under the current contract, the Kelowna SPCA Branch rehomes animals that end up in the care of Regional Dog Control staff and, with support of the RDCO Dog Licensing program, helps ensure pets are reunited with their families. The latest contract was updated in January 2022 to ensure that the service continues to meet the needs of the community.
Rezoning for secondary suite – 851 Firwood Rd
The Regional Board approved a rezoning amendment for 851 Firwood Road to permit a secondary suite.
Bylaw Officer/Park Ranger Appointment
The Regional Board approved the appointment of Chris Sochan and rescinded the appointments of Charlie Scholl and Tanya Brunelle as Park Rangers/Bylaw Enforcement Officers. Under the Police Act, the Regional Board is required to appoint or rescind, by resolution, staff members as Park Rangers/Bylaw Enforcement Officers for the Regional District of Central Okanagan.
CAO Performance Review and Salary Administration Policy
The Regional Board adopted the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Performance Review and Salary Administration Policy. To establish parameters of an effective performance review and salary administration process for the CAO, the Board Chair requested staff review Board Policy 8.10 CAO Performance Review and Goal Evaluation and the associated administrative process and provide recommendations. Staff were guided by an audit of RDCO past practice, Board requirements expressed in the recent CAO recruitment process, policies of similar organizations and best practice methods and resources such as those provided by the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators (CAMA).
Regional District office – 1450 KLO Road, Kelowna (Woodhaven Boardroom)
A live stream video link will be available for each meeting in the Upcoming Meeting agenda section of When available, a link to the Video recording will be posted in the Past Meetings section for the individual meeting date.
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